Thursday, September 29, 2011
Vitiligo Cause Emotional Distress and Anxiety
It is true that the appearance of vitiligo can cause emotional distress and that this, in turn, accentuates the symptoms, but it is also true that the combination of medical and psychological resources is effective in countering the disease and improve quality of life.
For some time we know from experience that there is close relationship between emotions and skin disorders or skin, so much so that intense and prolonged feelings such as depression, anxiety and stress can aggravate your symptoms begin or, remembering that skin diseases reach trigger sadness on the sufferer.
However, continuous stress triggers the release of substances in the nervous system which, in turn, alter body chemistry and cause, for example, worsening of acne (skin rashes due to obstruction of sebaceous glands) and hair loss in circular zones (alopecia aerate).
Similar statements can be made with respect to psoriasis (redness, flaking and redness in defined regions) and, above all, to vitiligo, a disease that is characterized by white patches on the skin, and reported that many patients relapse during times Anxiety as exam time, moving, divorce, children out of home or a prelude to surgery.
And indeed, although this condition also affects the patient's mood because it changes its appearance, fortunately appropriate pharmacological treatments have been developed to help normalize the skin's appearance so also clear that it is possible to have the personnel in support of new branch of medicine that addresses the relationship between emotions and skin health, called Psycho-dermatology.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
What's The Need For MS Diet?
Among the initial things many physicians will suggest for their recently-recognized multiple sclerosis patients is a change to an MS diet. There are a selection of diets that are known as being good for affected individuals affected by MS, for a selection of reasons.
In multiple sclerosis, the immune mechanism turns on one's body itself, destroying the central nervous system so that the myelin sheaths that secure nerves are diminished. This makes gradual nerve problems, which, eventhough it isn't terminal, can considerably decrease a patient's well being. There is no remedy for multiple sclerosis yet, so all sorts of MS treatment involve healing a patient's signs and symptoms, and delaying how the disease increases. If it is seen quick enough, and treatment methods are initiated immediately, then affected individuals are often able to live full, satisfied lives. If there is a lapse in identifying the issue, or a lapse in starting remedy, then the immune system can certainly still attack nerves in the meantime, resulting in a lesser prediction for the patient.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Hard to stomach: tummy upsets up 43% since 1990s
Upset stomachs featured twice in the headlines recently. On 5th September, there was news that comedian David Walliams attempt to swim the Thames for charity had been hampered by a stomach bug contracted when he swallowed some murky water.
And on 6th September, new research was published which showed that almost one in four people in the UK suffers from stomach upsets each year. Alarmingly this figure has risen 43 per cent since the mid-1990s.
The statistics were compiled by researchers at the University of Manchester on behalf of the Food Standards Agency (FSA). Food poisoning is a major cause of stomach bugs – about 5.5 million suffer from this illness each year.
No win no fee solicitors Claims Direct can help people make a personal injury claim if they have suffered food poisoningas a result of a manufacturer or seller's negligence – if a shop has sold out-of-date or insufficiently-refrigerated food, for instance.
According to the latest FSA statistics:
Roughly half of all people who were affected by an infectious industrial disease (IID) had to take time off work or school
The highly-infectious vomiting bug Norovirus is the biggest cause of tummy upsets in the UK
Campylobacter – which is mainly found on raw poultry - caused the majority of bacterial IID in the UK; 500,000 (three per cent) of cases of IID were caused by this bacteria.
Friday, September 16, 2011
When it comes to adhd testing you need to understand that there is no single test
When you make the decision to take your child for adhd testing you should know what to expect so that you can prepare not only yourself but your child as well. The assessment procedure is not achieved quickly and will involve a number of experts so that a reliable and accurate diagnosis can be made. Essentially the whole process is about observing the child's behavior in different settings to note whether the symptoms of ADHD are present as well as their severity. However this process is also about ruling out other factors that could be the cause of the symptoms such as a recent upheaval in the child's life. For example if the child has recently switched schools or if there has been a death in the family this can account for apparently ADHD behavior and symptoms. Likewise medical issues could also be responsible and these would include such concerns as thyroid problems or even an inner ear infection. In truth adhd testing is about eliminating all other possible factors that can explain the presence of the ADHD symptoms so that an accurate diagnosis can be made.
Many experts are of the opinion that no child younger than the age of six years should be placed on any type of ADHD medication for the treatment of the disorder and that behavior therapy is more advisable. According to the Academy of Pediatrics only children older than six should be medicated as part of the treatment program. Unfortunately there have been a number of instances where children have been miss-diagnosed and then medicated and so parents owe it to themselves and to their children to find out as much as they can about the disorder. Not only that but they also need to familiarize themselves with the treatment options that are available so that they are able to make informed decisions about the treatment that their child is subjected to.
If you suspect that your child is ADHD you need to understand that they must be assessed by a suitably qualified and experienced mental health expert in order to establish whether they are ADHD or not. Failing to address the issue will only serve to cause continued problems in the child's life as well as negatively impact their academic and social lives. This is not a disorder that can be outgrown and symptoms persist through the teenage years and on into the adult years.
Most people undergo adhd testing while they are still rather young because it is when the child begins school that the symptoms can become much more easier and clearer to identify. Children with ADHD do not respond well to the routine of school, or to the discipline, and therefore the symptoms become far more noticeable. Children younger than the age of five or six are more difficult to diagnose simply because the symptoms of ADHD are usually evident in normal pre-school development anyway. Most younger children are somewhat inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive but this does not necessarily mean that they have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder! However in younger children especially severe hyperactivity might be indicative of autism and the child should see a professional. Of course it not only children who can be diagnosed with ADHD as both teenagers as well as adults can also be diagnosed.
Once the diagnosis has been made and has followed all the diagnostic criteria so that the diagnosis is an accurate one the specialist concerned will then set up a treatment plan. ADHD treatment can include medication, behavioral therapy as well as psychotherapy and educational approaches. Having assessed the child the specialist should then work with you as well as the child's educators as part of the treatment process. This is also when you as the parent need to discuss alternative treatments, such as homeopathic remedies, with the specialist as well outline your reasons for choosing the treatment approach that you are inclined toward.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Have Herpes and Scared of Passing it On?
Lots of people with herpes are scared of passing the virus on to someone else. This is a natural fear.
Myself I have had herpes for over 15 years and I help others with herpes. I have had websites running since 1999 and I have received thousands of emails. You have perhaps looked on the web and learned you should not have sex when you are having an outbreak. And you probably learned as well that you can still pass along the virus if you are not having an outbreak. And that condoms can reduce the chance of spreading herpes, but they still have risk.
I will tell you what has worked for me, and for others too. It is all about never shedding the virus. I mean more than just not having an outbreak at the moment. It is about being in a healthy state where your immune system is very strong. It is so strong that you don't ever have outbreaks. I personally think that when you are in this state you are not shedding the virus and that you are safe. (Though I am not a medical researcher and I can't verify this scientifically, but it has worked for me.) Not shedding is the first part of being safe with a partner. The second part is getting your partner healthy with a strong immune system too.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
How Children with ADHD Make Friends
A child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD sometimes find it not easy to make friends and play with them. They have a hard time taking turns and waiting. Children with ADHD have many things that they undergo with difficulty. However, you could do something about it.
Here are some ways that would help them learn on how to deal with this situation.
You can allow your child to begin with one or two children to be his friend.
You can be a great influence at him. You give him knowledge on how to join a group and start a conversation. Let him understand that he also needs to listen first. He must know what a group is talking about, before interrupting in a conversation. You can teach and practice the child on exactly what to say when in a group.
In cases that your child has friends to come over the house, you can help by preparing some fun activities.
Give your child information on what a friend usually do. For example, waiting for his turn and on how to share food or toys. Allow him to practice it at home. For instance, if he has trouble in sharing a food. Let him understand that sharing a food is a good thing and must be done to develop kindness within him as well as gaining some friends with it.
In this world, you can't deny that there are bullies or people that would tease him because of his condition. In this case, orient him with this kind of situation and teach him on how to cope with it. For example, if he's along the school hallway and someone is teasing him, tell him to pretend as if he is not hearing it and just walk away. He can also go straight directly to his teacher and tell the teacher what happened. At the same time at home, allow him to voice out what happened at school for you to monitor what's going on his surroundings and you can think of better ways on how to deal with it.
Having a in group is a great help to him as well. Help him to find groups with adult supervision such as engaging in sports that he can manage to do.
It's sad to think that children with ADHD may undergo emotional and social problems because of their condition. There are children with ADHD that don't want to be a friend by a group of children. This can create trauma and make your child feel hurt and lonely. As a parent, this can be sad as well. However, you can always do something about it. You can start it always at home. Bring friends that as much as possible with kids at his age and allow him to learn on how to play well. This is a learning process. Allow your child to learn it step by step.
With these tips, as your ADHD child grow mature and older, they can have knowledge on how to cope with their condition and gain more friends with it.
Do You Have A Healthy Curiosity?
Lack of deep sleep contributes to high blood pressure. In a study published in Hypertension, approximately 800 men over age 65 – without hypertension – had at-home sleep tests and had their blood pressure monitored for 3 years. Those getting the least deep sleep were 80% likelier to develop high blood pressure. Lack of deep sleep prevents blood pressure from dropping sufficiently, which damages blood vessels. Parts of the brain controlling hormones and other substances to maintain proper blood pressure also work less efficiently. Because high blood pressure can cause heart disease, lack of deep sleep can make you "heartsick".
However, those lacking sufficient deep sleep could eat purple potatoes. In a study presented to the American Chemical Society, 18 overweight, hypertensive participants were divided into 2 groups. One group ate 6-8 small, purple potatoes with skins at lunch and dinner for 4 weeks. The other group ate none. Then the groups reversed regimens. On average, diastolic pressure (bottom number) dropped 4.3% and systolic pressure (top number) dropped 3.5%. In addition to experiencing lower blood pressure, none of the participants gained weight. Of course, none of the participants fried the potatoes, which would have increased the calories sixfold.
Then there's hospital clothes – from white coats to surgical scrubs – worn by doctors and nurses. According to a study published in the American Journal of Infection Control, more than 60% of the 135 health workers' uniforms examined tested positive for pathogens, including those causing pneumonia, bloodstream infections and drug-resistant infections. AORN (Association of peri-Operative Registered Nurses) and other health groups have suggested rules for hospital uniforms. For example, hospitals should supply laundry facilities and health workers shouldn't be allowed to wear scrubs outside hospitals. Supposedly, the contaminated uniforms and the 33%-50% of health workers with poor hand-washing practices go " hand in hand".
Finally – and more happily – in a review of 7 studies, 5 linked chocolate to a 37% reduction for cardiovascular disease risk, 31% for diabetes risk and 29% for stroke risk. These findings held up even when factors like age, diet, physical activity, body mass index and smoking were controlled. In spite of not proving a cause and effect relationship, the researchers concluded dark chocolate – 60% cocoa and higher – as well as liquid cocoa, had potential cardiac benefits and they wanted to establish a therapeutic window – similar to that for red wine. For many Americans that would be a "window of opportunity".
Just what exactly triggers gerd?
Have you ever experienced a burning sensation in your lower torso? Consequently it appears along with a sour or bitter flavor in the neck or perhaps mouth? After that you happen to be suffering from acid reflux disease. Heartburn typically takes place immediately after consuming or perhaps lying down. The actual sensation will continue for a few minutes or a number of hrs. Nonetheless you shouldn't worry; acid reflux disease is just not associated with any sort of heart illness.
Heartburn is brought on by stomach area acids. When ever you eat, the foodstuff which you consume passes from the mouth into a pipe known as wind pipe or food pipe. Within getting into the stomach area, the food has to move through within the lower portion of the esophagus, a tight muscle named the LES (Lower esophageal sphincter). The Les stops food from going backwards into the wind pipe. This write-up may talk about the unique causes of acid reflux.
These kinds of are the different triggers of acid reflux disease:
• Beverages which include caffeine. The caffeine intake can loosen up the les (Les. Permitting the gut items to reflux into the esophagus.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Adult with Asperger Syndrome
Adults with Asperger syndrome must not be taken for granted for they are delicate and have problems in communication, social relationships, and interest. They may look like normal person but they need help in their social interaction. The syndrome can take place if individuals are never detected to have the condition in their earlier years.
Most of the symptoms adults with asperger manifests are similar to children with asperger syndrome. However, the coping mechanism is upgraded into a level that can be manageable. The major symptoms of Asperger syndrome in adults is the problem in communicating verbally and creating relationships. They have difficulty in engaging and starting a conversation with other people. Adults may lack eye contact and may have few facial expressions. They may develop social anxiety.
The difficulty in starting and maintaining a relationship can be quite difficult for them, because it requires good communication skills and the ability to interact socially with others. To make a relationship work, it is important to understand the emotions and feelings of the other person. Thus this is what an individual with asperger has difficulty with. They may have a hard time making and understanding friendship and on how to develop it to sexual and make it intimate which is vital component to keep the relationship going.
Honey and Oral Health
By Stelios Kakagianis-pharmacist
New research shows that honey may stop the growth of dental plaque bacteria believed to be responsible for dental caries.
According to the findings, honey contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide which is believed to be the main reason for the antimicrobial activity of honey.Types of honey differ greatly in their antimicrobial potency, varying as much as a hundred fold. The research has shown that honey not only stops the growth of the dental plaque bacteria, it reduces the amount of acid produced, which stops the bacteria from producing dextran. Dextran, a component of dental plaque, is the gummy polysaccharide that the bacteria produce in order to adhere to the surface of the teeth. For further information regarding this important matter, please visit us here:
Dr. Peter C. Molan, Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Waikato, New Zealand spoke at a symposium entitled "Functional Foods for Oral Health" organized by the University of Illinois College of Dentistry. Dr. Molan's research is showing potential for the use of selected highly antimicrobial types of honey in the treatment of periodontal disease and gingivitis. These diseases are inflammatory conditions resulting from infection of the gums. The factors involved are very similar to those in inflamed infected wounds. Clinical research is showing that the selected honeys rapidly clear bacteria from infected wounds, even when the infection is deep-seated.
However, unlike some other antiseptics, honey is gentler on tissue. The potent anti-inflammatory property of the honey rapidly removes the swelling and pain. Honey also has a marked stimulatory effect on the growth of cells that repair the tissues damaged by infection.Dr. Molan heads The University of Waikato Honey Research Unit, recognized for its expertise in the composition of honey including antimicrobial activity. In New Zealand and Australia, honey producers have batches of honey tested in the laboratory to identify the samples with high activity. Those types are now labeled and marketed as "antiseptic. The National Honey Board is now coordinating efforts to have varieties of honey found in the United States tested to identify the floral types that have good antimicrobial activity.