Saturday, July 14, 2012

Main Contributing Factors in having Hemorrhoids

Generally people who suffer from hemorrhoids feel pain during their bowel movement, they also complain about constant itchiness, bleeding and burning in their anal area. Are you also experiencing these symptoms? It can affect anyone from all ages and races.

Are you wondering why you have this condition? There are many reasons why most suffer from this condition. Usually people over 50 suffer experience this but there are cases that younger people have this due to contributing factors and these are as follows:

•Genetics – if your parents had it, it will probably be passed down on you through heredity. Chances are you'll definitely acquire this condition if you keep on straining when you defecate.

•Age - some individuals begin to develop this condition during their twenties but mostly their symptoms appear at their thirties and above. Usually, adults over 50 suffer from this condition because as you age, the tissues around the anal area weaken and get stretched in the long run.

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