Monday, October 15, 2012

Medical Conditions Along With Other Detrimental Bad Breath Causes

What Kind Of Food Are You Eating:

Food is the biggest reason why we endure bad breath. Your bad breath can even continue for days on account of some of the items we eat (like onions and garlic) and can stay inside our bodies for days. The molecules of onions and garlic can travel through the body and make it smell as well. If food is one of your bad breath causes try the following ideas:

Herbal Teas.

Brush your teeth immediately and remember to brush your tongue as well.

Use mouth rinses and natural mouthwashes.

Keep mints and gum handy when you know you're going to eat something that going to cause you troubles.

Although there is no sure fire way to handle this situation, if it is the source for your bad breath, it should cease after a couple of days.

Dry Mouth:Another one of the most common bad breath causes is dry mouth. Saliva is responsible for the cleaning of the mouth, and if there isn't enough, the breath will definitely become bad. Saliva production is greatly reduced while we sleep throughout the night and when we wake up in the morning we are subjected to morning breath where our mouth is dry. Some individuals could have specific circumstances that prevent them from producing enough saliva to cleanse their mouth. If you think your dry mouth is a result of an inadequate output of saliva, it's best to see a medical professional, but for everybody else, drinking glasses of water often, sucking on a mint, or chewing a bit of gum will cause saliva production to increase and help clean the mouth.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Treatment for Venous Insufficiency with Compression Devices

The instruments are light and easy to carry around the house or on trips. They're comprised of a sleeve made of vinyl with chambers and a small pump that supplies air pressure. Treatment for venous insufficiency that includes the use of these devices is effective in the majority of cases.

Patients can program the pump to the exact specifications their doctors prescribe. Once the sleeve is on and the pump is working, a person can engage in any sitting or lying activity they normally would – reading, watching TV, talking on the phone, working on a computer, etc.

Treatment for venous insufficiency is important because of what can result if it is not dealt with. Here are some of the possible side effects and resulting conditions:




Infections, both fungal and bacterial

Mounting pain

Compressed nerves in the affected area

Loss of limb functioning

Deep venous thrombosis



Pleural effusions

Splitting of the skin
