Sunday, October 23, 2011

Brief discussion on Vitamin B12 deficiency

This article discusses about Vitamin B12 deficiency in brief.

Source of B12 in the diet - it is derived from products of animal origin - eggs, fish, meat, milk, cheese etc. So, Vegans (those who don't eat any form of animal products) are at risk of developing B12 deficiency. It takes about 3 years to exhaust the stored vitamin B12 in the body. By measuring B12 level in blood, it can be diagnosed. Early treatment with oral B12 will prevent the consequences of B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12 is one of the important members of B vitamins. Its another name is Cobalamin.

It helps DNA synthesis (Folic acid also helps DNA synthesis) needed for proper functioning of bone marrow which produces blood cells. Vitamin B12 (not Folic acid) also maintains integrity of myelin sheath (covering) of nerves.

So, deficiency of Vitamin B12 results in anaemia and nerve damage.

Anaemia – megaloblastic anaemia due to reduced red blood cell production.. Other bone marrow function is also affected causing reduced production of white blood cells and platelets, called pancytopenia meaning all the types of blood cells production is reduced.

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