Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What Is ITP Blood Disorder? Knowledge Everyone Should Know

What is ITP?

A lot of people may not know what ITP Blood disorder is. Before we tackle its causes, symptoms, management and treatments, let us first define what ITP is. ITP is short for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpur. Idiopathic means the cause of the disorder is unknown while thrombocytopenic deals with the number of platelets in the blood which in this case is less than the average needed amount in humans. The last word, purpur means excessive bruising.

Based on examination, 4 in every 100,000 adults and children suffer from ITP. People who have ITP blood disorder have low platelet count on their blood cells which makes it hard to control even the smallest or the simplest bleeding. Platelet also helps in healing of bruises and wounds.

There are two types of ITP: one type that affects children from 2-4 years old. The second type affects mostly young women. However, it can affect anyone. It has been established that ITP is neither hereditary or contagious.


Regrettably, cause is still unrecognized. But studies show that people with this type of blood disorder have a very deviating antibody function. On average, antibodies protect humans from external threat like bacteria and viruses. Antibodies are said to be our first line of defense against illnesses. Not in this case. In fact the antibodies in this case attack the body's own blood platelets. What's causing the antibodies to do this is the unknown part.

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