Can Internal Hemorrhoids Hurt? – How To Cure Internal Hemorrhoids ...The pectinate line divides the top 2/3 of the anal canal from the lower 1/3.If a hemorrhoid that has evolve inside of the rectum result to prolapsed pain may as well be felt as the prolapsed hemorrhoid moves down the lower 1/3 of the ...
Home Remedy advice hemorrhoid cure hemorrhoids Fast - Hemorrhoid ...Home-3 ways to prevent and cure hemorrhoids hemorrhoids treatment · Home Remedy advice hemorrhoid cure hemorrhoids Fast.Have hemorrhoids or batteries as they are also known, is not a pleasant situation.It is painful and embarrassing, and as many people want to know a House hemorrhoid cure that will end to the pain and irritation fast.Here are some tips to remedy hemorrhoids at stop not only the maximum parasite, but also so that they do happen again! 1 Sitz bath ...
Home-3 ways to prevent and cure hemorrhoids hemorrhoids treatment ...Hemorrhoid Relief at Home.Learn How to get hemorrhoid relief at home, treating your hemorrhoids at home is possible! « Home remedies – hemorrhoids – A Natural approach to heal hemorrhoids · Home-3 ways to prevent and cure hemorrhoids hemorrhoids treatment.There are rare diseases that are more embarrassing than hemorrhoids.Pain, smell and the ick: but it does not have to be this way.Hemorrhoids come due to the pressure on blood vessels around the anus ....
Venapro Hemorrhoid Remedy Achieves The Three Main Goals Of ...Those that may be truly concerned about hemorrhoid remedy will absolutely look straight into Venapro as the best available hemorrhoids treatment formula.While it is among the best and relatively affordable products on the industry, ...
Learn 3 critical points you must understand if you're looking to ...If you're looking for a safer more permanent solution to your hemorrhoids I highly suggest you take a look at the links within this article or down below for more effective hemorrhoid treatment methods.Getting rubber band ligation for ...
Venapro Hemorrhoid Remedy Achieves The Three Main Goals Of ...Those that may be really concerned about hemorrhoid remedy will absolutely look straight into Venapro as the best available hemorrhoids treatment formula.While it is among the top and genuinely affordable products on the industry, ...
3 Effortless Cures To Internal Bleeding Hemorrhoids That Work Fast ...If you are looking for a treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids that actually works and helps you to heal, then you'll want to find out precisely what bleeding hemorrhoids treatment we now have on our website.As soon as you find out these ...
A Venapro Review – How To Cure Hemorrhoids Once And For Good ...Where to buy venapro? It can be ordered from its official site.Get the best hemorrhoids home treatment cure from Sheric Lucilena's website which talks more about where to buy h miracle in detail and has tips on where to buy venapro ...
Venapro Hemorrhoids Treatment – Stop Hemorrhoid Safely ...Hence in the situation of one sense a hemorrhoid case coming up, a Venapro hemorrhoids treatment helps in speeding the process of recovery.An individual can take it without any issues since Venapro side effects or recovery effects are ...
Why does an edgar cayce violet ray device work for so many mental problems? For people with depression I advocate using this over the spinal area and back – how often would vary from person to person but I feel but somewhere between 1-3 times per week should be a good starting point.More for people deeply affected.Duration as a starting point around 15-20 mins.This is not an ultra violet lamp of any sorts, but a high frequency generator coupled to a glass wandEven the great Edgar Cayce recommended this device in hundreds of readings for all sorts of complaints.Edgar Cayce said that the Violet Ray stimulates the sympathetic and cerebro-spinal nervous system and it creates a balance.Here are some testimonies from other therapistsI gave them the Violet Ray up and down both sides of the spine, three times at a slow to moderate pace.Both had very unhappy childhood‘s.Their behaviour improved from then on and they appear to be still stable.Each needed two treatments only.I believe it would help children with behavioural problems.Treat the body as in figure 8 that is put the applicator under the right arm pit the first day for 10 mins.Then under left knee the next day, under left armpit the next day then under right knee the next day, then repeat.Apparently these are the same locations where the lymph system comes to the surface.Edgar Cayce states that the violet ray calms the nerves.It is also used for blindness and severe headaches, Rheumatism, Lesions, ears and deafness, and after effects of surgery.The violet ray was applied to various different places on the body including the eyes, throat spine, arm pits, base of the brain, upper broncials, thyroids even a rectal applicator to treat hemorrhoids and the feet and of course the scalp.Some other applicationsfollowed over the forty odd years – violet ray treatments directly on the spine to stimulate the superficial circulation and revitalise giving more activity to the whole of the respiratory system.The violet ray gives incentives to the nerve centres to be rejuvenated again.The ozone produced from the machine would be most beneficial to the body as well.Like voltage is life or healing and makes resistance in the system.The violet ray should be applied to the feet and lower limbs along the sciatic nerve and across the sacral and in the plexus of the cervical and upper dorsal.Do this each evening and in 5-6 weeks the body will be more active mentally and physically.This machine is still being used to treat acne and to increase circulation in the scalp.There are also reports of increased hair growth or baldness.Another use of the machine was following the packs of salts, when the skin has been opened, or the pores, and the centres along the cerebro-spinal system are ready for response to this low form of electrical vibration, this will enliven not only the nerve centres of the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic system, but also cleansing the blood stream itself.This device can be used for many other problems as well; many people who have problems with the spine pain, arthritis, carpal tunnel, have got relief.I have noticed immediate relief and a feeling of betterment very quickly.Some therapists will have these but I recommend owning one yourself as they can be bought quite cheaply. said that the Violet Ray stimulates the sympathetic and cerebro-spinal nervous system and it creates a balance.In one reading, on possession, Edgar Cayce said that it will drive out negative earth bound entities.These are entities that try to stop you changing the way you think.Attempt to stop you from growing, everyone with depression should use one regularly.Decades ago, physicians used this device for every imaginable health problem.Today, the FDA approves the Violet Ray‘s use specifically for various skin and scalp conditions, such as reducing wrinkles, eliminating acne, fighting gray hair, eradicating dandruff, and treating baldness.This device intensifies fresh blood circulation.The extra flow of blood equalizes the circulation in crowded areas, helping heal bruised and damaged tissue.Make contact with the glass bulb before turning the appliance on.In other words, place the glass bulb on the skin and then turn it on.Otherwise you will receive an unpleasant tingling upon contact with the skin.Turn the appliance off before removing it from the skin.Again this will prevent the unpleasant tingling.No person with a pacemaker should be allowed near a Violet Ray machine, the effects could be fatal.Violet Raydevices can and will interfere with nearby electronics.
why does an edgar cayce violet ray device work for so many mental problems? Ok so this is a little weird but i need to no! I have this squishy little lump on my butt hole like on the side of it like coming out.Lately i have been having a couple loose stools a day and it really hurts because its irritating that lump and sometimes there is a a spot of blood when i wipe.I tried pushing it back in but it comes right back out.Its really uncomfortable and it hurts when i have a bm.Im pretty sure its hemorrhoids but i want to make sure.I have been taking hot baths and been putting preperhation h on it.How long will it take to go away cause im going on a big trip in 1 week i would like it to get better.I am only 14 about to be ya...I told my mom but not my dad cause that would be a little awkward.So 1 is it a hemorrhoid? 2 how long will it take to get rid of it? 3 Any other treatments??? THANKS! any answers will be mean answers plz..
Is this a hemorrhoid and if it is how do i get rid of it? HELP!!!? I'm not sure if I do or not and if I should be worried.I am only 17 and whenever I poop I bleed and most of the time it is really painful.This has been happening off and on for about 2-3 years now.I'm not sure if I should just tell my mom and get some type of treatment or if I should talk to a doctor.I really would rather not go to the doctor if I don't have to.
Do I have a hemorrhoid? Right I had 3 piles!1st they banded them they tried once and it failed the band fell off it hurt like a constant dull ache like someone constantly nipping the inside of your bowel NOT nice at all! Then months later they tried double banding them again its a horrible dull ache for months again it failed! They then moved onto injecting the hemmoroids to make them go away firt injection didnt have any effect! Months later 2nd injection no effectMonths later 3rd injection and complaint that its taking forever so they fianlly move me on to suregery! Guess what they only remove 1 at a fucking time! The first 1 removed causes me the most intense pain ive ever experienced in my life this goes on for months! Now the bstards want to go back to trying the injections again! Ive suffered long enough! I just want the fucking things taken out! I cant have a relationship till these disgusting things are gone! I cant get on with my career untill they are gone! They are making me wait months and months between each appointment and are dismissive and vague when I ask questions! I just want the last 2 removed via surgery ASAP (more months of waiting) I will suffer the intence pain one last time recover in a few months and be done with it! But now the fuckers want to go back to the injections! I dont like stuff being stuck up my arse I dont like years of my time being wasted and I dont like suffering in horrible pain! What would you do in my situation? The surgens and that are nice people so I dont want to balme anyone specific but they whole ordeal they put you through is making me extremely angry and yet they wont clue me in to whats happening next they will just give me another letter for my next appointment which will be in another month or so and there they will be vague!!!I cant take it anymore what should I do?
Hemorrhoids and terrible treatment by the doctors and surgeons! I just want them removed!? peace and friendship in this world has its description in Holy Qur’an Allah (swt) says:By the fig and olive And the mount of Sinai And the city of security We have indeed created man in the best of moulds Then do we abase him (to be) the lowest of low Except such as believe and do righteous deeds for they shall have a reward unfailing What then, can after this, make you deny the last judgement Is not Allah the wisest of judges” (The Fig, Surah 95) The plant of olive goes up to the height of 3 metres, leaves are bright green and very attractive and the fruits are of bright bluish or violet colour, possesses a metallic taste.It is known from old ages.During the excavation of ancient Egyptian graves, vessels full of olive oil were found with other articles.According to the scholars of Hadith, on subsidence of Toofan-E-Nooh, when water level came down, the first thing on the earth that was seen, was the olive plant.The plant is extensively found in Asia minor, Palestine, Roman territory, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Italy, North Africa, Algeria, Tunisia, California in America, Mexico, Peru and South zone of Australia.Usually it is imported from Spain, Italy, France, Turkey and Greece.Though olive fruits are very nutritious it is not usually eaten due to its metallic taste.Rather pickles of its fruits are largely consumed in Europe.The fruits preserved in vinegar is imported from Greece and liked very much in Europe and in Arabian countries.Olive oil is a good preservative for other eatables too.Sardine and other fishes are tinned and preserved in olive oil.The smoke-less burning of olive oil is a peculiar feature, which produces a bright light.Holy Qur’an stresses the importance of Zaitoon on several occasions: (141-M-AlInaam-6), (99-K-AlInaam-6), (11-K-AlNahl-16), (AlNoor-35), (Moominoon).Hazrat Sayyed Al-Ansari narrates that the Prophet (saws) said “Eat the olive oil and massage it over your bodies since it is a holy (mubarak) tree.” (Tirmizi, Ibn Maja) Hazrat Alqama Bin Amir narrates that Prophet (saws) said, “ There is olive oil for you, eat it, massage over your body, since it is effective in Haemorrhoids (Piles).” (Ibn Al-Jozi, Zanbi) Hazrat Aqba Bin Amir narrates that the Prophet (saws) stated, “You have the olive oil from this Holy (mubarak) tree, treat yourself with this, since it cures the Anal fissure (Basoor).” Khalid Bin Saad narrates “I came to Madinah with Ghalib Bin Al Jabr.Ghalib became ill during the journey.Ibn Abi Ateeq came to see him and told a narration from Hazrat Aisha that the Prophet (saws) told about the cure in Kalonji.We crushed a few seeds of Kalonji and mixed it with olive oil and dropped in both nostrils, after which Ghalib became healthy.” (Ibn Maja, Bukhari) Hazrath Abu Hurairah (t) narrates that the Prophet (saws) stated, “ Eat the olive oil and apply it (locally), since there is cure for seventy diseases in it, one of them is Leprosy.” (Abu Naim) Hazrat Zaid Bin Arqam narrates “ We have been directed by the Prophet (saws) that we should treat the Pleurisy with Qust-e-Behri (Qust Sheerin) and olive oil.” (Tirmizi, sanadeAhmed, Ibn Maja) Olive oil has a place in Govt Pharmacopeia of USA and Britain (British Pharmacopeia).Both of these countries have given prime importance to olive oil for the treatment of various ailments and have fixed standard parameters to evaluate its purity.It contains Palmatic Acid, Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Steanic Acid, Myristic Acid and Glycerides.It is not dissolved in water but in Alcohol, Ether, Chloroform and Liquid Paraffin.The adulterant very often used in the olive are of the seeds of Tea Plant, Arachis oil in the market samples of olive oil.Sometimes Machine Gun oil and refined Mobile oil are also found.Olive oil is extracted from the ripened fruits.The unripe and over ripe fruits contain less amount of the oil.The fruits are processed three times.Successively, the first round oil is the best in quality, golden in colour, with a light fragrance and known as virgin oil.Some varieties of olive oil remained unchanged in its effectiveness for years together.It contains therapeutic potential even if it is a thousand years old.Despite the prime importance and holiness given by Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad (saws) no work has been done to find out its efficacy for the ailments other than the Haemorrhoids, Anal fissure, Skin diseases, pleurisy and leprosy, which are already described by the Prophet (saws) , whereas the Prophet (saws) himself says us that it contains cure for seventy diseases.According to Ibn Al-Qayyim the red coloured oil is better than blackish one.It is an exhilarant, glows up the facial complexion, provides prevention against poisons, regulates the digestive process, expels the intestinal parasites, makes the hair lustrous and minimises the ageing problems.The massage of olive oil with common salt over the gums is a remedy for seve
Olive: Cure for seventy diseases? My father ( 49 yrs old) was diagnosed with Hepatitis C at least five years ago, maybe more and also told that his liver was enlarged.He quit drinking about 3 or 4 years ago.He was a very heavy drinker and drug abuser.Last year he had x-rays done that showed that his liver had lesions (about 6?) and that his liver was enlarged ( I have no idea if it was the same as when he was first treated or if the swelling had increased) He seemed to be sorta okay healthwise for the last few years except for chronic hemorrhoids, very dry looking pale skin and excessive lip smacking (don't know what that is about..) Over the last few weeks he has been extremely fatigued, having sharp pains in his right abdomen every few minutes and last week we noticed that his eyes are VERY yellow..His tongue is very white..Is that a symptom of Hep C or something else? He has some emphysema and I suspect COPD...Is this disease fatal? I mean, I know it can cause liver failure, liver sclerosis, hepatomegaly, etc..What I dont know is how far advanced his case is.He is not too fond of medical help...I am trying to convince him to see a doctor....If you have an educated opinion on this disease, please give me some advice/ answers.Is he dying??? If you are going to post things like " make him go to the dr" or " I don't know" or " any other asinine answer, please kindly refrain.I know that this site is not a panel of experts but I am at a loss until I can convince him to let me get help for him.Thank you in advance for your help.I forgot to add that he is also vomiting and has diarrhea.I also forgot to add that he is confused a lot (like he can't think or his mind is moving slowly) and that his doc said his levels were "elevated" a few years ago.
My father has Hep C., yellow eyes, bloating etc..Refusing treatment? So, I have had hemorrhoids for a few months now, off and on, mostly external.It started about 3 months ago, and they went away on their own.Then a few weeks after, they came back and did not subside.I purchased some prep-h cream, which helped considerably and they went away for awhile.When they came back, I used the prep-h cream, but it did little to help this time.I really only used it in the mornings and at night, other than the "up to 4 times daily" on the box, since during the day isn't really practical for me.I purchased the ointment, I figured that it would work better because of the consistency, but they came back after its use like the cream.I tried to use the attachment and place the ointment further inside, but no luck.They are back now with some bleeding off and on.What should I do? I know that a doctors visit would be logical, but I don't want any type of surgery done.Does anyone reccommend a treatment that worked for them? Any help would be greatly appreciated! : )
Hemorrhoids won't go away, even with ointments and creams...I've had them for months? I thought pinyin was hard, then I see these characters, I was like oh shit, this is going to take me forever.Anyone got a trick, a system of learning this? there must be? surley it is way too hard to memorise all this.之 zhī (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的) / him / her / it 3 只 zhī classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc 隻 1 只 zhǐ but / only 祇 1 只 zhǐ only / merely / just / but 1 至 zhì arrive / most / to / until 2 值 zhí value / (to be) worth / to happen 3 制 zhì manufacture 製 3 制 zhì system / to make / to manufacture / to control / to regulate 3 知 zhī to know / to be aware 3 指 zhǐ finger / to point / to direct / to indicate / to refer to / to rely on / to count on / (hair) stands stiffly on end 1 直 zhí straight / vertical / frank / directly / straightly / upright 2 置 zhì to install / to place / to put 4 纸 zhǐ paper / CL: 張|张, 沓 紙 1 支 zhī to support / to sustain / to erect / to raise / branch / division / to draw money / surname Zhi / classifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and for songs or compositions / watt, classifier for power of light bulbs 1/3 质 zhì hostage / substance / nature / quality / Taiwan pr.zhi2 質 3 智 zhì wisdom / knowledge 致 zhì to send / to devote / to deliver / to cause / to convey 3 致 zhì fine and close 緻 3 职 zhí office / duty 職 治 zhì to rule / to govern / to manage / to control / to harness (a river) / cure / treatment / to heal 2 志 zhì sign / mark / to record / write a footnote 誌 4 志 zhì aspiration / ambition / the will 4 止 zhǐ to stop / to prohibit / until 汁 zhī juice 4 旨 zhǐ imperial decree / purport / aim / purpose 脂 zhī fat / rouge (cosmetics) / resin 枝 zhī branch / classifier for sticks, rods, pencils etc 3 址 zhǐ location / site 芝 zhī Zoysia pungens 植 zhí to plant 4 识 zhì to record / write a footnote 識 织 zhī to weave / to knit 織 2 执 zhí to execute (a plan) / to grasp 執 酯 zhǐ ester 滞 zhì sluggish 滯 肢 zhī limb 掷 zhì to toss / to throw dice / Taiwan pr.zhi2 擲 4 徵 zhǐ 5th note in pentatonic scale 芷 zhǐ angelica (type of iris; plant root used for medicine) 痣 zhì birthmark / mole 炙 zhì to broil / to roast 痔 zhì piles / hemorrhoid 趾 zhǐ toe 稚 zhì infantile / young 侄 zhí nephew by the male line 姪 侄 zhí nephew 栀 zhī gardenia / cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides) / same as 栀子 梔 祗 zhī respectful (ly) 殖 zhí to grow / to reproduce 柣 zhí threshold 峙 zhì peak / to store 値 zhí Japanese variant of 直 挚 zhì surname Zhi / sincere 摯 衹 zhǐ variant of 祇|只, only / merely 枳 zhǐ (orange) / hedge thorn 雉 zhì ringed pheasant 秩 zhì order / orderliness 郅 zhì surname Zhi / extremely 窒 zhì obstruct / stop up 陟 zhì to advance / to ascend / to promote 祉 zhǐ felicity 庤 zhì prepare 蛭 zhì fluke / leech / hirudinea 帜 zhì flag 幟 迣 zhì to leap over 跖 zhí sole of foot What the? and there is way more than that.
Ok, how the hell do I learn chinese characters/symbols? 3 days ago i had constipationand it hurts i wipe my butt and got some blood in it, i cleaned it with soap and put some ointmenti told my mom about it and she said eat a lof of Apricot and drink water which i didand this morning i had a diareah but no blooodand now im having hard time pooping again >.<do i have anything to worry about or i have to go to the doctor..and any more tips on how to get my poop soft? thank you
what are the other treatments for hemorrhoids? Damn, i hate Hemorrhoids so much.....i went to the dock 3 months ago told him about it and he gave me a suppository, idk why....should i tell him that i want a surgery instead how long does it take? and i think its a internal hemorrhoid.