Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hemorrhoid treatment doctor

hemorrhoid treatment doctor

hemorrhoid treatment doctor

Finding Relief With Hemorrhoid Treatments » Health and Fitness
We can not stress enough that before you attempt to find a hemorrhoid treatment for yourself, you should see your doctor for a diagnosis.You need to be sure that you have hemorrhoids.There are other diseases that should be ruled out, ...

Are Hemorrhoid Creams an Effective Hemorrhoid Treatment? | My Blog ...
With many over the counter hemorrhoid cream products available, you are certain to find what works best for you.Do check with your doctor before proceeding so that you are the best informed you can be.hemorrhoid treatment cream Solve ...

Treatment For Hemorrhoids – Treating External Hemorrhoids By Using ...
Prior to deciding on what way of external hemorrhoid treatment you want to use be sure to seek the guidance of the doctor to effectively treat the problem.In addition, the next few hemorrhoid home treatment methods may well help you ...

hemorrhoid: Doctor's Talk: Hemorrhoid causes, treatment! – Part 3
hemorrhoid: Doctor's Talk: Hemorrhoid causes, treatment! – Part 3 · hemorrhoid cream: Get Rid Of External Hemorrhoids – Hemorrhoid Miracle · hemorrhoid treatment: Hemorrhoid Treatment Finding plus Signs or symptoms ...

How To Find The Best Hemorrhoid Treatment
This way, your doctor can prescribe the right kind of treatment to reduce the symptoms.You should only consider surgery as a last resort..Consuming 8 to 12 glasses of water every day can help combat hemorrhoids; so can living a ...

What's a Safe and Effective Hemorrhoid Treatment? » Article ...
That's usually the first sign of hemorrhoids.If you've ever gone to the doctor after seeing blood when using the bathroom, these internal hemorrhoids are easily overlooked because they're not easily visible, unless due to straining ...

Hemorrhoids: A Medical Info And Treatment
Hemorrhoids: A Medical Info And Treatment.If ache and bleeding is persistent your doctor may must resort to invasive measures to eliminate the flareups.There are several procedures which can be used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids, ...

Treatment For Hemorrhoids – Healing External Hemorrhoids By Using ...
What's the best hemorrhoids treatment? The very best cure would largely vary depending on your condition and as well as the factor that triggered the situation.That's why it is always recommended to talk to the doctor for the correct ...

Treatment For Hemorrhoids – Treating External Hemorrhoids By Means ...
What exactly is the best hemorrhoids treatment? The best cure would largely depend on your condition and the factor that triggered the condition.That's why it is always recommended to talk to the doctor for the correct treatment....

I have a hemorrhoid and it won't go away.Should I be concerned?
Ok, this is a serious issue, mature responses only.I'm a 22 year old female who has suffered from occasional episodes of hemorrhoids for about two years.In the past year, it has happen over 3 times, and it's becoming a nuisance and embarrassment because I am sexually active.I've tried all OTC ointments, wipes, eating more fiber, sitz baths, with little results.I just want it to go away.So I scheduled an appointment with a gastroenterologist.I don't know if I'm wasting my time though, because my ideal treatment would be laser or some sort of immediate removal, and that's only the case with severe situations.Mine is only mild, but it persists for weeks and I just can't take it anymore.So my question is, what should I expect from this visit? I'm sure the doctor will take a look at it, but is the first visit always just a consultation? I'm leaving a week later for vacation, I want him to take care of this thing now!!!!

What to expect when visiting a doctor for hemorrhoids?
I just went to the doctors because I was bleeding when I went to bathroom.I have one.The treatment sounds fun.NOT! I don't even know why I got one.

Why do you get a hemorrhoid or how?
I've had it for almost a year now and I'm starting to get really annoyed by it.I never really had a problem until now but it itches like hell every second of the day, I have bloody bowel movements, but it doesn't hurt much unless it's touched.I've tried witch hazel and vaseline, different hemorrhoid creams, and every home remedy on the internet.Nothing works.I really don't want to go to a doctor because I can't stand the idea of having someone analyze my butt.All of the symtoms seem like a hemorrhoid but it looks like a swollen vein (which I understand is what hemorrhoid is) it's doughnut shaped and stings when it's touched and the rest of the sphinctor is hard, swollen, and has a purple-ish tint.I just don't know if it's a hemorrhoid because most pictures of hemorrhoids are like round pollyps.I don't know :/ should I suck it up and see a doctor or is there a treatment I haven't tried?( I've tried the Sitz bath, an assortment of creams, the witch hazel thing, eating more fiber, fruits, and water, and countless other things that fail to have an effect )

Is it a hemorrhoid? I know it's gross but I want a serious answer?
Im a "virgin" to Hemorrhoids, and i think i may have an internal one, from what i have read.Some sites say they'll clear up in up to two months, others a week, im just wondering because the pain is annoying me, im neglecting doing certain things such as bending over, getting up because this is when it hurts most.So how long should i wait before I see a Doctor? What can I do EASILY to help it on its way? By this I mean I dont have time for 4 small baths every day, like some places suggest.I could really just use some guidance.

how long will a hemorrhoid last without treatment?
According to one of the books of Korean.the medical treatment for hemorrhoids, piles was using the leaves of a fig.The book refers to an actual story of a doctor who published a medical book in 400 years ago in Korea.The usage of medical treatment is using steam from boiling a water with a leave of a fig, Have you ever heard or read or tried it and recover it? I do not own the decease right now, however, if this is effective, I read more carefully, remember and tried these stating medical treatments some day not purchasing medicines in the market.

Have you heard or read about a medical treatment for hemorrhoids, piles?
I have a daughter, who is six months old.I noticed while I was pregnant that I had a bump on my anus.At the time, I thought nothing of it and had never even heard what a hemorrhoid was.I gave birth, got stitches down there, was given tucks pads and it seemed to go away.Now suddenly I have another, or maybe it's the same one, I'm not really sure.Yesterday it was red and protruding out and only went away when I pushed it back inside of my anus.I'm sorry this is very graphic but I am freaking out! I have no one to talk to about it either, and one of my friends said my doctor would laugh at me about it.How long will this take to go away? I was told it will go away on it's own but for some reason I don't believe that.I've done research online and I can't find anything helpful.Is there anything I can do to help it? How do I know if I need surgery? I'm already beyond worried, should I get a hold of my doctor? It doesn't hurt and I only noticed itchiness while I was pregnant.I'm afraid to have any sexual contact because I'm embarassed..and my birthday is next week so I need an at home treatment that is quick and effective.its about the size of half a penny

Hemorrhoid help please?
Are there doctors who specialize in hemorrhoids/treatment?

Can I see any other doctor for a hemorrhoid other than my obgyn or primary?
Male, early 30sSymptoms: inside the bum (where the cheeks are in constant contact) it has been quite red for months.The sphincter seems a little bit swollen.At its worst, it is quite itchy.At other times it has no associated pain or discomfort.My first thought was maybe it was a yeast issue.I went to the GP and she agreed and so prescribed a mixture of clotrimazole and hydrocortizone.I also started taking probiotics daily.Despite this, there has been no change (no better and no worse) in the condition after about a month of treatment.Any ideas what this could possibly be? The doctor ruled out hemorrhoids, although she did say that some of the blood vessels seemed mildly inflamed.

difficult to diagnose rectal issue--help?
Why Don't These Doctors Get Sick? They work impossible hours, hang around in germ-infested hospitals, and treatment rooms filled with sick people all day -- yet they don't fall ill themselves.Why? We asked hundreds of leading doctors this question and their answers may shock you.They're secretly using blacklisted alternative therapies themselves! Now let more than 250 acclaimed MDs and scientists show you how to...Cure acute infections in 2 to 6 hours...Stop heart disease cold in 2 seconds...Halt angina in one little minute...Become 100 times more cancer-resistant...Shrink hemorrhoids with the astonishing orange cure...Zap back pain in 3 minutes (this can even be used for anesthesia what are blacklisted alternative therapies to prevent from going to the hospital with high riseing cost of health care.goes anyone know about those blacklisted alternative therapies ?

Why Don't These Doctors Get Sick?
Folks, I am suffering from both anal fussure and internal hemorrhoids from past 2months now and finding it extremely difficult at work due to the pain.Want to get this treated in Bangalore.Please suggest me a good hospital/doctor whom I can visit this weekend for consultation.Any tips or remedies to pain relief - most welcome.Have read many article on the web with relates to this and applied Nitrogesic cream too.No relief.Taken tabs like pilgo/ applied Osil cream/ Rectoline at the region.No relief.I have severe pain every time after passing the stool and it continues to get worst by each passing minute if i don't take 1/2 pain killers b4 leaving to work.The anal region burns, thrones like feeling in that place, cracks too.Have given up non-veg since 2months now.No alcohol, No spicy food - Still no signs of relief.It is extremely painful and one who has experienced it only knows.These days, I take every precaution to ensure the stool doesn't harden - but still after the bowel movement the pain picks up after 15mins and just goes on and on..I feel very embarrassed in this situation :-( Please suggest.

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