Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Acupuncture for pain relief

Acupuncture for Pain Physical pain is a common occurrence for many Americans; in fact, a national survey found that more than one-quarter of U.S. adults had recently experienced some sort of pain lasting more than a day. In addition to conventional treatments, such as over-the-counter and prescription medications, people may try acupuncture in an effort to relieve pain. This fact sheet provides basic information about pain and acupuncture, summarizes scientific research on acupuncture for specific kinds of pain, and suggests sources for additional information.

Key Points People use acupuncture for various types of pain. Back pain is the most commonly reported use, followed by joint pain, neck pain, and headache.

Acupuncture is being studied for its efficacy in alleviating many kinds of pain. There are promising findings in some conditions, such as chronic low-back pain and osteoarthritis of the knee; but, for most other conditions, additional research is needed. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) sponsors a wide range of acupuncture research.

Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed correctly.

In traditional Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture regulates the flow of qi (vital energy) through the body. Research to test scientific theories about how acupuncture might work to relieve pain is under way.

Safe Blood Cholesterol Levels

Today I want to talk to you about safe blood cholesterol levels. What is a safe range for blood cholesterol levels? What is an ideal level of blood cholesterol?

The medically acceptable range is a blood cholesterol below 200 mg. per deciliter (dL). In some countries it would be below 5.2 millimoles (mmol) per liter. But the truth is, people still have heart attacks at 200 mg. per deciliter. The true ideal range to get your cholesterol into is below 150 mg. per deciliter, which is also below 3.9 millimoles per liter.

The scientific community knows this because in the Framingham Heart Study  –  the longest running heart disease study ever undertaken which began in the 1950s – medical researches like Dr. William Castelli showed us that people with a total blood cholesterol below 150 – or 3.9 millimoles per liter – almost never had a heart attack. So we now understand this to be the ideal rate.

And then of course there is the matter of good vs. bad cholesterol. The bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), should be no higher than 72 mg. per deciliter. So out of the 150 – the total – only 72 of that should be the bad cholesterol. If we're dealing with millimoles per liter (as we would say in Canada) then it should be under 1.8 millimoles per liter and up to 3.9 total cholesterol, with only 1.8 millimoles per liter being the LDL cholesterol fraction.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Migraine Headache and Gastric Pain: My Solution To Overcoming The Pain

This is a story as told by my friendon her first month's experience after consuming Lingzhi and Pollen for her migraine headache and gastric pain ailments:

How I was introduced to Lingzhi and Pollen…

I was complaining to a friend that since the beginning of the year, I suffer from bad headache, body ache, feelings of nausea and lethargy as well as flatulence throughout each of my menstruation period. I have never suffered any serious PMS symptoms previously. I disliked this feeling and it was disrupting my daily routine. I suspected that I might have hormonal imbalance and was planning to visit a gynecologist.

Aside from this discomfort, I have been suffering the lifelong ailments of migraine headache and gastric pain.

My friend then recommended me to speak to Fui Ping to find out more about Lingzhi. He is very satisfied with Lingzhi and highly recommended me to try it. So that's how this started...

After a long explanation on the benefits and effects of Lingzhi by Fui Ping…

As I am very sensitive and allergic to various foods, I was very skeptical and reluctant to try even after the detailed explanation. I researched on the internet and asked around to find out more about Lingzhi. There was indeed more positive feedback among the mix reviews I have received from this personal survey.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hemorrhoids Symptoms The Signs To Look Out For

In most cases hemorrhoids symptoms will be obvious to the sufferer the most obvious being a sharp pain or burning sensation around the anus, in the majority of  cases, the symptoms will disappear on their own within a week or so, they may even be unnoticed by some people who may not even realize they had them.

However, more commonly they will be felt or seen outside the anal opening, there may be one or several that can have the appearance of a bunch of tiny grapes, these are usually prolapsed hemorrhoids that means they have formed inside the anus and have been forced out during defecation.

Hemorrhoids can differ in size and appearance, generally they may be around the size of a pea, but they can grow a lot bigger, well over an inch in diameter are not uncommon.              They may be smooth on the outside or they may also also be wrinkled.

Hemorrhoid Symptoms may include some or all of the following:

Constant itchiness around the anus

General feeling of soreness and burning around the anus.

Excessive straining when defecating

Bleeding after you have passed a stool (this will be bright red blood)

The presence of mucus after defecation

Feeling of pain while passing a stool

Feeling like your bowels are still full even after emptying

Bloodstains on underwear

A  sufferer may even have the misfortune to get blood clots around the anus too these are medically referred to as thrombosed external hemorrhoids and it is this condition that can become very painful and may be also serious if not treated promptly.

Just to clarify a point to the reader in case they are unaware, hemorrhoids can be either external (visible from the outside) or internal (inside the anal canal and not visible).

Internal And External Bleeding Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Bleeding hemorrhoids although not particularly serious are not nice to have as they may cause stress and even embarrassment to the sufferer, with this in mind it is natural that most people want to stop them from bleeding as soon as they can and prevent it from happening again.

Whatever type of hemorrhoids you may have whether they are internal or external, or the two together, both types can begin bleeing, it is best to begin some form of treatment as soon as possible to prevent the condition from worsening or even getting infected.

External hemrrohoids are usually more painful than internal types this is because they are usually located on or around the very sensitive nerves that occur on the anal sphincter.

Conversely, internal hemroids occur where there are a lot less nerves, for this reason external hemorrhoids symptoms are more readily detected due to pain and anal itching well before they start to bleed, when it does happen bright red blood will be noticed on body waste, toilet tissue or in underwear, which will also be the same if internal hemorrhoids begin to bleed.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatments

The first thing to do if you have bleeding hemorrhoids is to make sure that you never become constipated as this will make them a whole lot worse and will slow down the healing process considerably.

If you have constipation then it will do no harm in the first instance to take a laxative to ease the situation, do not rely on laxatives as a long-term solution though as they will do you no good at all.

A change in diet is all that is required to avoid being constipated, make sure you are eating plenty of fruit and enough fiber, cut down on items that can cause binding in the stomach, eggs is a good example particularly if they are hard-boiled.

You can also help make sure you are getting enough fiber by using supplements like psyllium husks or maybe bran cereal, products such as these add essential bulk to body waste helping it to retain water and therefore keeping it soft allowing for easy passage through the anal opening without any straining.

Water intake is also essential in maintaining healthy bowels, make sure you drink plenty every day to assist the digestive system, lack of water will cause body waste to become hard and compacted which is something you must avoid.

Excess Gas?

Have you been bloated and gassy lately? No matter what you eat your stomach swells like a balloon a few hours later?

Pay attention: you might suffer from condition called SIBO – small intestine bacterial overgrowth.

Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine (SIBO), is a digestive disorder that causes chronic bowel problems and intolerance to carbohydrates. Its main symptoms include excess gas, abdominal bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation, and abdominal pain.

Both the small intestines and colon naturally house bacteria, creating a balanced digestive system. The types and amount of bacteria that reside in the small intestine and colon are very different. The colon contains roughly 100,000 times more bacteria than the small intestines. SIBO occurs when there is an overgrowth of colon bacteria in the small intestine.

Since the main purpose of the small intestine is to digest and absorb food, any disruption in its role affects the absorption and utilization of nutrients into the body. Thus, if SIBO is left untreated for too long – various nutritional deficiencies may occur.  It can manifest as anemia, various vitamin deficiencies (vitamin D and B), weakening of the bones due to calcium malabsorbtion, etc.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Remedies For High Blood Pressure - Popping Pills or Something Else?

The clock is ticking.

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, the time to start dealing with it is now. The fact that you are reading this now tells me you are focused on taking care of your health. That is step one. Sitting idly by thinking it will not happen to you is so backward. Now you need to decide, a lifetime of prescription drugs or an alternative?

Six years ago I was in your boat. I went to the doctor to ask about knee pain. After checking my blood pressure, as they normally do when you go to the doctor, I was told that the knee pain was the least of my worries! My nurse actually went out and got another nurse to check my blood pressure a second time, just in case the extremely high readings she was seeing were false. The second nurse, and second readings echoed what she saw - levels so high I was at risk of a heart attack at any time.

Remedies For High Blood Pressure - Popping Pills or Something Else?

The clock is ticking.

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, the time to start dealing with it is now. The fact that you are reading this now tells me you are focused on taking care of your health. That is step one. Sitting idly by thinking it will not happen to you is so backward. Now you need to decide, a lifetime of prescription drugs or an alternative?

Six years ago I was in your boat. I went to the doctor to ask about knee pain. After checking my blood pressure, as they normally do when you go to the doctor, I was told that the knee pain was the least of my worries! My nurse actually went out and got another nurse to check my blood pressure a second time, just in case the extremely high readings she was seeing were false. The second nurse, and second readings echoed what she saw - levels so high I was at risk of a heart attack at any time.

Prevalent Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms

Psoriatic arthritis is known as a kind of arthritis that can impact individuals with serious skin problem identified as psoriasis. It is the formation of red, flaky and thick patches on the skin that could be very painful. According to experts, lots of people typically develop psoriasis first and because the ailment advances, psoriatic arthritis will soon develop. However, the arthritic condition may begin to develop even before lesions on the skin start to show up. Therefore, when you are already having psoriasis, you must also know about the side effects of the condition, which includes psoriatic arthritis. The common psoriatic arthritis symptoms generally include the following:

Pain in the Joints

Experts stated that there are various patterns for pain. The mildest variety of the disease is known as asymmetric psoriatic arthritis and most likely impacts a fewer number of joints within the body. Symmetric psoriatic arthritis, on the other hand, may affect more than five joints on either sides of the body, whilst spondylitis can lead to pain on the spine, the neck and the lumbar region. In accordance with studies, fewer individuals have arthritis mutilans, which is considered as by far the most painful and most serious sort of psoriatic arthritis.

Friday, May 18, 2012

That's Not My Mother!

Elderly Parents

We think about it as we ourselves get older. We have all seen images of elderly people, incapacitated by degree and in need of care. These are the images we feed on and consider to be the norm. Occasionally we see an image of a sprightly old fellow with a smile on his face, but he is always singled out as being the exception.

It is our expectation that our elderly parents will become confused and frail we may expect them to develop early Alzheimer's symptoms. In fact that is our hope for them as their death is something we do not like to face. We have two options in life: To grow old or die. Most prefer the former. We prefer it for our loved ones, but at what price?

I spent five years watching an elderly woman I called my mother, but whom I no longer knew, slowly taken away from me.  I saw occasional glimpses of the wonderful joyous and generous Soul she was, but soon after her early Azheimer's symptoms appeared the disease developed quickly and they became few and far between.

I remember the day I drove towards home after my daily visit to the facility in which she lived. It struck me with a jolt and I clenched the steering wheel. 

"That's not my mother!"

I couldn't drive for the tears streaming from my eyes and pulled over to think about this discovery. My mother had been gone a long time and I hadn't realized it. 

Alzheimer's Disease had replaced her. Stupid as it may seem I couldn't help thinking of that movie "Invasion of the body snatchers" where facsimiles of people arise from seed pods. People who are not who they look like. The particular scene in the dry cleaners where the Chinese gentleman utters emphatically to the hero "That not my wife," came clearly to me and I laughed through the tears. My Mom loved that movie too.

She had gone from us all. A gradual withdrawal from life, while remaining with a fairly stoic body. I hadn't even noticed what was really happening. I remembered the diagnosis of early Alzheimer's symptoms, but  I had just called it "confusion" and looked no further. That was my word to bring a convenient understanding to her state. It was a word that fitted my expectations; those we are all fed with. That is what happens with elderly parents after all.

I cursed my self for being oblivious to the change. Its an insidious condition that comes from behind you and one day drives a sharp dagger of realization between the shoulder blades. 

It hit me hard and the guilt poured from my Soul.

I would visit for longer and I would not try to steer a pointless conversation from the one we had thirty seconds ago to something new. I would say the same things over and over and I would never mind doing that again. I would bring her gifts and flowers and tend to all her needs.

Guilty, guilty. But whose fault is it really? What could I have done?

I sat in my car on the edge of the road for quite some time wondering what I could have done, until I heard her in my mind say "Just get on with it. There's no looking back". 

Such a pragmatic woman she was and I knew she probably understood very well, although she could no longer articulate the fact.

So I tried right then and there to think only of what good there had been in this uncontrolled spiral into confusion. The family had rallied and her grandchildren had proven worthy of her love. They showed love and compassion during her illness and I think they grew from this. That was her last of great many lessons to them.

How could I wring some good from this all? 

Guilt is a good motivator.

I thought back over her more lucid times. She had placed herself in a good position many years ahead by purchasing an independent living flat, which was part of, but separated from, a large nursing home. A foot in the door I used to call it.

Treatments for Piles – Hemorrhoids are a Pain in The Bum – Here's What You Can Do

Piles, medically referred to as hemorrhoids, are a collection of swollen or enlarged blood vessels situated in the lower part of a person's rectum. As well as extreme discomfort and even pain, hemorrhoids can also cause intense itching around the anus and bleeding when passing a stool. Although piles are not considered a serious condition, leaving them untreated could lead to having them removed via surgery. Before learning how to get rid of piles, it is important you try and understand how they are caused as this may prevent a recurrence in the future.


There are a number of reasons for a person developing piles, with the most common being obesity. If you do not have enough fibre in your diet, you will be at an increased risk of developing piles. This is because fibre softens a person's stools, preventing straining when going to the toilet. Excessive straining can inflame and enlarge the blood vessels around the rectum and anus. This will then result in hemorrhoids. If your work or home life requires constant heavy lifting, your chances of suffering from piles will be high. This is because the strain of lifting affects the blood vessels in your bottom.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Angry Young Man: Behind the Scenes

Given the declining situation of health in India one wonders what made the proverbial "angry young man" of Indian cinema angry! The stories on reel displayed social injustice as the common factor. The real reasons could very well be high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol that lead to all the angry and frustrated outbursts of the various characters played by the iconic actor, Amitabh Bachchan or Big B as he is popularly referred to nowadays!

Hypertension, which is another name for high blood pressure ails nearly 13.9 crore Indians. Hypertension is one of the leading risk factors for heart diseases, which has been identified as the biggest killer. More than 12lakh people die every year due to any of the following diseases – coronary heart disease, ischaemic heart disease, stroke – and many more are disabled for life.

Blood pressure is a measurement of the flow of blood through the arteries pumped from the heart. The measurement is expressed as two values, e.g., 120/80 mmHg. The upper value (120) express the pressure of the flow of blood when the heart is in a state of contraction. The lower value (80) expresses the pressure when the muscle is in a relaxed state, in between the beat. Blood pressure is said to be high when the measurement is above 140/90 mmHg most of the time. A person who is suffering from such a medical condition is considered a hypertensive.

That's Not My Mother!

Elderly Parents

We think about it as we ourselves get older. We have all seen images of elderly people, incapacitated by degree and in need of care. These are the images we feed on and consider to be the norm. Occasionally we see an image of a sprightly old fellow with a smile on his face, but he is always singled out as being the exception.

It is our expectation that our elderly parents will become confused and frail we may expect them to develop early Alzheimer's symptoms. In fact that is our hope for them as their death is something we do not like to face. We have two options in life: To grow old or die. Most prefer the former. We prefer it for our loved ones, but at what price?

I spent five years watching an elderly woman I called my mother, but whom I no longer knew, slowly taken away from me.  I saw occasional glimpses of the wonderful joyous and generous Soul she was, but soon after her early Azheimer's symptoms appeared the disease developed quickly and they became few and far between.

I remember the day I drove towards home after my daily visit to the facility in which she lived. It struck me with a jolt and I clenched the steering wheel. 

"That's not my mother!"

I couldn't drive for the tears streaming from my eyes and pulled over to think about this discovery. My mother had been gone a long time and I hadn't realized it. 

Alzheimer's Disease had replaced her. Stupid as it may seem I couldn't help thinking of that movie "Invasion of the body snatchers" where facsimiles of people arise from seed pods. People who are not who they look like. The particular scene in the dry cleaners where the Chinese gentleman utters emphatically to the hero "That not my wife," came clearly to me and I laughed through the tears. My Mom loved that movie too.

She had gone from us all. A gradual withdrawal from life, while remaining with a fairly stoic body. I hadn't even noticed what was really happening. I remembered the diagnosis of early Alzheimer's symptoms, but  I had just called it "confusion" and looked no further. That was my word to bring a convenient understanding to her state. It was a word that fitted my expectations; those we are all fed with. That is what happens with elderly parents after all.

I cursed my self for being oblivious to the change. Its an insidious condition that comes from behind you and one day drives a sharp dagger of realization between the shoulder blades. 

It hit me hard and the guilt poured from my Soul.

I would visit for longer and I would not try to steer a pointless conversation from the one we had thirty seconds ago to something new. I would say the same things over and over and I would never mind doing that again. I would bring her gifts and flowers and tend to all her needs.

Guilty, guilty. But whose fault is it really? What could I have done?

I sat in my car on the edge of the road for quite some time wondering what I could have done, until I heard her in my mind say "Just get on with it. There's no looking back". 

Such a pragmatic woman she was and I knew she probably understood very well, although she could no longer articulate the fact.

So I tried right then and there to think only of what good there had been in this uncontrolled spiral into confusion. The family had rallied and her grandchildren had proven worthy of her love. They showed love and compassion during her illness and I think they grew from this. That was her last of great many lessons to them.

How could I wring some good from this all? 

Guilt is a good motivator.

I thought back over her more lucid times. She had placed herself in a good position many years ahead by purchasing an independent living flat, which was part of, but separated from, a large nursing home. A foot in the door I used to call it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How To Use Nystatin Powder To Cure Yeast Infections

One of the commonly prescribed anti-fungal drugs is the broad spectrum fungicidal drug called Nystatin. This drug is available in cream, liquid, tablet and powder forms but, the powder form is usually the preferred form for the treatment of yeast infections as it can be used both internally and externally.

This powdered form can be used to treat Candida via these different ways:

1-You can sniff or inhale Nystatin powder to clear the nasal congestion, post nasal, mental and nervous symptoms caused by Candida overgrowth. You can follow the following steps to inhale this powder successfully:

-Shake the bottle of Nystatin vigorously

-Remove the cap of the bottle and hold the bottle just under the nose

-You can take up to 3-4 sniffs at a time up to three times daily

2-To treat oral yeast infection and to treat yeast infection of the throat, you can mix teaspoon of Nystatin powder in 1-2 ounces of water and then hold this mixture in your mouth for 2 minutes during which you swish it around your mouth. After swishing it in your mouth for these 2 minutes you can then swallow it.

Can't Do Without Sugar? You Might Have Candida Alcoholism

One of the effects that yeast cells have on the body when they grow out of control is called Candida alcoholism; this effect of Candida alcoholism is responsible for the manifestations of the symptoms of foggy head and dizziness which are part of the symptoms of Candida overgrowth.

What is the cause of this phenomenon?

Alcohol is a waste product produced by yeasts during the process of fermentation. When there is excessive activity of yeast in the intestines, the alcohol produced by these cells can cause a type of alcoholism in the yeast sufferer.

Even though the level of alcohol produced is not high enough to label the person has been legally drunk nor is the level of alcohol high enough to be detected by a breadth test, the level of alcohol produced is high enough to affect the brain of the person that has Candida overgrowth.

Do You Know The Different Species Of Candida That Can Cause Infection In People?

Although there are over 40 different species of Candida yeast, it is only a few of these different species that can infect human beings.

In this article we shall be looking at the different types of this fungal micro-organism that can infect human beings and, here are the following species of Candida that can infect human beings:

1-Candida Dubliniensis

This species is found virtually everywhere in our surroundings and it has a structure that is very similar to that of Candida albicans. It only causes opportunistic infections in people living with AIDS and in people afflicted with other diseases associated with immunocompromised states and it usually causes infections of the mouth in these people.

2-Candida Glabrata

This species also causes opportunistic infection in people that have been afflicted with diseases that are associated with weakened and low immunity levels like AIDS. It usually infects the uro-genital tract and the blood stream in these people leading to very fatal infections with high mortality rates.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Discover How to Easily Recognise Candida Infection of the Oesophagus

Candida infection of the oesophagus or the food pipe is not one of the common types of Candida infection but it is important that you get conversant with how it presents so that when it shows up occasionally, you can easily recognise and treat it.

This type of fungal oesophagus infection is often associated with conditions that cause your immune and defence system to be weak; these conditions include the following:  Diabetes mellitus, HIV/AIDS, Leukaemia, use of anti cancer drugs etc.

If people that have any of these conditions become infected with oral thrush, the fungal infection can easily spread down into the oesophagus.

These following signs and symptoms are usually associated with yeast infection of the throat:

1-Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing)

Yeast infection of the oesophagus is usually associated with difficulty in swallowing and this symptom is known as dyshagia. This symptom gives you the sensation of having food stuck in your throat and it will lead to difficulty in swallowing both solid and liquid forms of food.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Workout Routines for the Signs of Tennis Elbow Conditions

After the surgery or for less severe cases of lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow, various workouts are highly recommended to speed up the healing process as a consequence of affliction. However, it is recommended to refer to your medical specialist first prior to performing these workouts. Additionally, for serious cases of tennis elbow, surgical treatments might be recommended and you may talk to your personal doctor for the right tennis elbow surgery for your affliction.

* Forearm Stretches: this exercise can be carried out by extending the forearm muscles that is connected to the elbow by simply moving the wrist by flexion and extension flexibility. Stretch the damaged arm towards the front side of the chest whilst your palm is facing forward and your fingers are pointed upwards. Gently pull your fingers backward using the other hand until you feel a mild stretch at the end of your forearm. Maintain this position for at least 10 seconds. Lightly flex your wrist so that your fingers are pointing down. Once more, pull your fingers in the opposite direction and stretch the top of the forearm for an additional ten seconds. Execute both stretching routines using the other arm.