Sunday, May 20, 2012

Remedies For High Blood Pressure - Popping Pills or Something Else?

The clock is ticking.

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, the time to start dealing with it is now. The fact that you are reading this now tells me you are focused on taking care of your health. That is step one. Sitting idly by thinking it will not happen to you is so backward. Now you need to decide, a lifetime of prescription drugs or an alternative?

Six years ago I was in your boat. I went to the doctor to ask about knee pain. After checking my blood pressure, as they normally do when you go to the doctor, I was told that the knee pain was the least of my worries! My nurse actually went out and got another nurse to check my blood pressure a second time, just in case the extremely high readings she was seeing were false. The second nurse, and second readings echoed what she saw - levels so high I was at risk of a heart attack at any time.

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