Monday, March 28, 2011

Is hemorrhoids fatal in dogs if not treated?

Lower Salem

My standard short haired chihuahua has what I think is hemorrhoids. What makes me think this is the fact that when I looked him over his anus was protruding out and looked swollen. I am no expert with hemorrhoids but this was my first guess. He has been having straining bowel movements. At first he had diarrhea all the time now he has solid fecal-matter which he struggles to push out. The pieces are broken apart and seem to be connected to a stand of hair every time. I am really sorry if this is TMI but my fiance and I have zip, zero, and zilch money to take him to the vet. So if this sounds like hemorrhoids what should I do to treat it? Are there any at home remedies? If not will he die because of no treatment? Any of you who have experience with your dogs and hemorrhoids I am looking for your answers. Thanks.


Dogs don't get hemorrhoids... they can get a prolapsed rectum... Go to the vet!Well..think about whats best for your dog...definately veterinary if you can't afford it then surrender him to the humane society where he can have proper treatment. Its not fair to your dog just because you have no money.


Yeah, not fair at all. But found out it wasn't prolapsed rectum. I was actually just "seeing things"...that's the way they put it. And I found a an animal hospital in Washington that does their business almost free. Thank goodness!


From what you've described it sounds like it could be a prolapsed rectum, and it needs veterinary attention. Your dog will be extremely uncomfortable and painful and you NEED to find a way to get the money and get him to the vet. Denying a suffering animal veterinary treatment is cruelty.


Yes it is fatal and dogs don't get Hemorrhoids. They can either have a prolapsed rectum or uterus. Go to the VET.


If you live in the UK and you unemployed or on any benefits you can get free treatment for your dog. All you need is proof of your benefits. Even if it’s just reduced council tax you can apply to the PDSA or Dogs Trust for their help, however you should do this in advance of requesting an appointment. There are vets in other parts of the world who will agree to spread the payments, consequently you should telephone them and ask before you arrange an appointment. There is also an organization called Credit Care, Google Creditcare for dogs however this may not be available in the UK.


Hi KatieKooHolly Hayden is an independent expert on curing hemorrhoids 100% naturally using the little-known fast system called "The H Miracle". My friend rock tell me "The H Miracle" work well. He cured his hemorrhoids 100% haturally in a few days without ever being bothered again! You can get a free sample and get your Free "What 95% of Hemorrhoid Sufferers Don't Know..." Special Report hope this information can help you.

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