Sunday, July 24, 2011

Does Massage Therapy Work For Stress?

When stress levels run high in daily life and muscles tense up painfully, many wonder if massage therapy can provide the relief they're after. Aside from the obvious benefits of relieving the pain of tightening muscles, massage therapy can in fact help ease the overall impacts of stress on the body. It is one very viable component in a more holistic plan to alleviate the potentially dangerous impacts of stress.

What Is Massage Therapy?

While there are many different types of massage therapy, including deep tissue and Swedish, the overall actions are the same. Massage therapy simply involves the rubbing, manipulating and pressing on the muscles, skin, ligaments and tendons of the body. A massage therapist will use his or her hands to manipulate tissue to relieve and ease tightness, spasms and stress.

The Benefits Of Therapy

Massage therapy can produce a number of benefits that assist with stress relief. Aside from easing tension in the muscles that stress can bring on, this type of therapy can also help:
•    Reduce pain, which can lessen anxiety and stress
•    Ease stiffness in the body
•    Promote blood flood
•    Increase immunities

When massage therapy is successful in helping a person relax, the effects are similar to mediation and restful sleeping on the mind. As the tension is relieved, the mind will often let go of stressors and lessen the impact the have on the person.

Other Things To Consider

Like it or not, stress is a part of life. When stress is constant or particularly burdensome, however, it can cause a host of problems. From minor stomach complaints to major anxiety attacks, increased blood pressure and insomnia, the effects of unchecked stress can sideline daily activities and even contribute to serious medical conditions. It is possible to combat the effects of stress through massage therapy, but other actions are also frequently advised. They may include:
•    Exercising
•    Meditating
•    Learning time management techniques
•    Attempting to sleep more
•    Enlisting personal support

Massage therapy can reduce stress and help lessen its physical manifestation in the muscles. Taking a more holistic approach, that includes massage, is often the best way to fight back against potentially devastating, lasting effects of stress.

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