Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Turn Here for all the Necessary Details On the Symptoms of Herpes

Herpes is a highly contagious viral like disease that causes cold sores. This virus has been in existence for quite a long period of time and has negatively affects the lives of millions of people all around the world. Typically herpes affect people in two main areas such as the mouth and genitals though it can be spread to other parts of the body such as the eye, finger, ear, nose, buttocks.

When a person initially contracts this disease the symptoms of herpes often begin manifesting within two days to twenty days of contact with an infected person. The symptoms may last many days and weeks before finally vanishing without treatment. The severity of the signs of this disease is greatly affected by a person immune body system. Some folks who contract this virus may never know they are infected with this virus till after several days, months or even years. The actual symptoms of herpes are sores, blisters, burning sensation and itching.

Normally, after an infected person experiences this signs, there would continue to be recurring outbreaks from time to time depending on the individual's defense mechanism. Subsequent recurrence of the symptoms of herpes may cause lesions and probably brain damage. After each outbreak the skin will heal again usually leaving no scars and the virus retreats into the nervous system to become inactive once again.

Here is how the virus attacks the human body once infected. The virus starts to multiply after coming in contact with the skin, mouth or genital. The skin will become reddish and blister or sores can be seen on the affected area. The infected part will be painful, in some cases slight illness and itching around the area. The blister will burst open to form a wound and then heals naturally.

Herpes can also affect the urethra and cause pain during urination and discharge from the genitals. Several reports have shown that people infected with this virus can easily contract HIV/AIDs mainly through the sores. HIV can easily pass through the openings of the sores into the human body. It is necessary to take adequate preventive step to avoid exposure to HIV/AIDs when infected with Herpes.

Pregnant women can pass this disease to an unborn child. A pregnant woman who suspects she is having this virus should see a doctor for medications that would prevent mother to baby transmission. There are plenty preventive measures one should take to avoid acquiring this virus such as staying away from unprotect sex or having multiple sexual partners, never kiss people you don't know and avoid skin contact with strangers. Infected person should always wash the hands after touching an infected area to avoid the spread of this disease to other parts of the body.

Generally, it is important to occasionally go for herpes test with your family especially when you live in an area where there is frequent outbreak of this disease. If you suspect you have the symptoms of herpes and need discreet advice the search engine is a great place to find health forums on this.

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