Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dry mouth-Causes and Herbalcure

Dry Mouth in medical terms called as xerostomia, is a common thing found among people in any season. This condition can be as minimal as a complaint for some patients or can lead to serious oral diseases for others. Dental professionals are currently promoting ways to treat and understand dry mouth.


The most common misconception regarding the dry mouth is that it is caused by age because it is most common in people over the age of 40.On the other hand it is caused due to lack of Saliva. The most common causes for it are

Taking of medicine which reduces the Saliva excretion.

Oral cancer radiation.

Alcohol abuse

Anxiety or stress.

Chemotherapy radiation for oral cancer treatment


Smoking or chewing tobacoo

Genetic disorders

Trauma to salivary glands

This dry mouth syndrome may lead to

tooth decay


gum disease

Speech impediments

germ buildup

bad breath

Symptoms of Dry Mouth:

A dry, red, raw tongue

A dry feeling in the throat

Difficulty in speaking, tasting, chewing, and swallowing

Feeling Thirsty

Impaired taste perception

Some of the simple ways through which you can avoid being affected by dry mouth are:

Chewing sugar-free gum

Using lip lubricants and alcohol-free mouth washes

Drinking plenty of water

Breathing through nose

Stimulate the flow of Saliva

Avoid taking spicy food.

Herbal and home remedies to Dry Mouth:

Chew food thoroughly so as to stimulate saliva production and facilitate digestion of food.

Applying Glycerin to the tongue

Add tea spoon of honey to a glass of milk and drink it.

Avoid being with out food for a long time

Avoid being with out food for a long time because that is the time when saliva is reduced and mouth feels dry

Applying Red Chilli Pepper on the tongue will stimulate the production of saliva as it is rich in capsaicin.

Increasing the intake of vitamin "B" rich food like meat, brown rice, fish, wheat germ and whole grain cereals.

Increasing the intake of iron rich food like red meats, liver, cashews and figs.

Genatin extract is a good remedy to dry mouth, but it should be taken after consulting a specialists.

Chinese green tea, chamomile and ginger are also considered to be effective treatment to dry mouth.

Echinacea contains a compound echinacein which is a proven saliva producer. Echinacea stimulates salivation, and tends to numb the mouth, but this effect is temporary and harmless.

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