Saturday, August 27, 2011

ACUTE RENAL FAILURE - Symptoms and Treatment

ACUTE RENAL FAILURE (ARF) is a very serious, but treatable condition, and is a result of the loss of kidney function. There are various symptoms and treatments for acute renal failure or otherwise known as Acute Kidney Failure, or Acute Kidney Injury.

So What is Acute Renal Failure?

Acute kidney failure, as stated before, is the sudden loss of kidney function. As you may well be aware, your kidneys are responsible for removing waste products from the body, and help to balance other minerals in your body and bloodstream. They are an essential part of the body, as the body can not work at all without them.

With acute kidney failure, if your kidneys stop working, your body will soon build up with a large amount of waste products, toxins and other fluids and can, as a result, turn fatal.

How is Acute Renal Failure Caused?

There are various causes of acute renal failure. Some of which related to other causes in the body, which can affect the kidneys, while others are directly related.

Blockage of urine flow.

This can cause kidney failure by blocking the excretion of waste in the kidneys. It can be caused by a tumour, swollen prostate, urinary tract blockage or infection, an injury, or very commonly - kidney stones.

Loss of blood flow to the kidneys.

Any type of bodily injury, but more specifically, localised injuries to the kidneys can cause sudden blood flow loss, which can result in serious damage to the kidneys. This can also be the result of an infection, commonly known as sepsis. Extended dehydration can also cause serious damage.

Certain medications can cause acute kidney failure.

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