Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bad Living Habits Cause the Sub-Health of Bones

The sub-health of your bones can be caused by drinking, smoking, excessive intake of salt, etc. You must form correct attitudes toward the bad living habits and quit them to keep your bones healthy. Generally speaking, seven bad habits can destroy your bones.


1. Drinking liquor excessively

The excessive intake of alcohol can stimulate the activity of bone cells and accelerate the dissimilation of bones. At the same time, alcohol can accelerate the discharge of magnesium. When the liver cells decompose alcohol, the synthesis of vitamin D can be seriously affected. The experts advise people to drink liquor moderately.


2. Smoking

The metabolism of calcium and the growth of bones keep a close relationship with the internal secretion of hormones. However, the nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar contained in cigarettes can restrain the secretion of hormones. As a result, smoking can seriously hurt the human bones.


3. Drinking too much coffee

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