Monday, December 24, 2012

Get good ayurvedic treatment for arthritis

When you are suffering from arthritis is sure that you might be facing a lot of pain. In such cases you will have to see to it that you get along with the right kind of treatment for arthritis.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Wobenzym - A Measure for Joint disease, Why?

An inflammation of the body joint or its component cells, associated with soreness, pain, and inflexibility in that region, that is largely a result of causes ranging from problems, distress, degenerative changes or metabolic disorders. In healthcare parlance, arthritis pertains up to a assortment of over 100 rheumatic conditions as well as conditions that can cause soreness, stiffness and also pain inside the joint parts.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Causes And Treatment For Cervical And Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease

Ageing is an unstoppable process which cannot be prevented by modern science, even though one can try to control it. One of the consequences of ageing is the degeneration of disc. As a person gets older, the spinal discs on his back tend to get compressed and lose their flexibility. This hinders easy movement and can be accompanied by pain. Lumbar degenerative disc disease has become quite common amongst the old and the middle aged. Thanks to the sedentary lifestyle we are leading in this computer-obsessed era, the disease is also plaguing youths in their 30s and even in their 20s.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Esophagitis can be treated naturally

Gastroesophageal reflux is actually retrograde turning of food with gastric juices from the stomach into the esophagus channel. Normally, between the esophagus and stomach sphincter there is a way around that block communication of the contents of these bodies, so the food reached the stomach not return to esophagus. Moreover, the lining of the esophagus is not adapted to stomach acid, such as gastroesophageal reflux cause damage to the esophagus, which later can produce scars and may reduce the lumen of the esophagus causing swallowing problems, esophageal diverticulitis or, worse, esophageal cancer. So Reflux Disease should not be neglected.

The causes of reflux are often the nature of food: hearty and high in fat and / or acidic foods. There are other situations, such as hiatal hernia, gastritis, ulcers and stress that can lead to esophageal reflux. Also other risk factors are obesity, smoking and alcohol.

Esophagitis are of two types - acute and chronic. Acute esophagitis is inflammation of the lining of the esophagus which, in most cases, is infectious, toxic or corrosive. Very rarely is allergic or suppurative. At this condition, often is known the cause of the disease and will do everything to remove it. Whether it is toxic, infectious, corrosive (caustic soda, sulfuric acid.) or allergic, cause can be treated.

A disease, multiple causes

 Esophagitis are chronic diseases that can have multiple causes. This condition is aggravated by cold, damp, tobacco, alcohol, other irritants that may be even the food: for example, more frequent consumption of foods with spices or too hot or too cold foods commonly consumed. Chronic esophagitis is caused most often by unhygienic eating, with inadequate or incomplete chewing, teeth or abuse due to deficiencies of spices. In some cases, it is caused by alcohol abuse or gastroesophageal reflux, hiatal hernia, rarely mycosis, syphilis and other diseases.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Medical Conditions Along With Other Detrimental Bad Breath Causes

What Kind Of Food Are You Eating:

Food is the biggest reason why we endure bad breath. Your bad breath can even continue for days on account of some of the items we eat (like onions and garlic) and can stay inside our bodies for days. The molecules of onions and garlic can travel through the body and make it smell as well. If food is one of your bad breath causes try the following ideas:

Herbal Teas.

Brush your teeth immediately and remember to brush your tongue as well.

Use mouth rinses and natural mouthwashes.

Keep mints and gum handy when you know you're going to eat something that going to cause you troubles.

Although there is no sure fire way to handle this situation, if it is the source for your bad breath, it should cease after a couple of days.

Dry Mouth:Another one of the most common bad breath causes is dry mouth. Saliva is responsible for the cleaning of the mouth, and if there isn't enough, the breath will definitely become bad. Saliva production is greatly reduced while we sleep throughout the night and when we wake up in the morning we are subjected to morning breath where our mouth is dry. Some individuals could have specific circumstances that prevent them from producing enough saliva to cleanse their mouth. If you think your dry mouth is a result of an inadequate output of saliva, it's best to see a medical professional, but for everybody else, drinking glasses of water often, sucking on a mint, or chewing a bit of gum will cause saliva production to increase and help clean the mouth.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Treatment for Venous Insufficiency with Compression Devices

The instruments are light and easy to carry around the house or on trips. They're comprised of a sleeve made of vinyl with chambers and a small pump that supplies air pressure. Treatment for venous insufficiency that includes the use of these devices is effective in the majority of cases.

Patients can program the pump to the exact specifications their doctors prescribe. Once the sleeve is on and the pump is working, a person can engage in any sitting or lying activity they normally would – reading, watching TV, talking on the phone, working on a computer, etc.

Treatment for venous insufficiency is important because of what can result if it is not dealt with. Here are some of the possible side effects and resulting conditions:




Infections, both fungal and bacterial

Mounting pain

Compressed nerves in the affected area

Loss of limb functioning

Deep venous thrombosis



Pleural effusions

Splitting of the skin


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Comprehensive Infertility Treatment

Moolchand fertility is the clinic where all your dreams of parenting will come true. To fulfil the desire of couples the clinic has set up high-tech patient affable Infertility centres in Delhi. The clinic is equipped with latest techniques for infertility treatment and has well eligible and capable doctors. The guidance of the doctors will be beneficial to the childless couples at every stage. The powerlessness to conceive is a complicated time for the childless couples. But, the help of modern sciences have turned up with extravagant IVF surrogacy. Infertility is the pain which disturbs the life of couples but with the help of infertility treatment getting pregnant is now successful.

Usually the infertility treatment is recommended when all other treatments fail. The clinic ensures that the treatment supports the needs of the clients. Infertility centres in Delhi offer mastered service and assist with the right treatment option for you. Couples go for Ivf Surrogacybecause the mother due to uterine or medical problems cannot carry the child. IVF surrogacy is the process in which the couples either use mother's own egg or donated egg to conceive a child with the father's sperm or donated sperm through in vitro fertilization. The embryos are transferred into the mother's uterus on the fourth or fifth day after fertilization. The IVF and embryo transfer for IVF surrogacy is available at Moolchand.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bloated Stomach Relief

While many of us like to blame the lowly bean for our bloated stomach problems, in reality it is our heavy reliance on processed fast foods that really causes most of us to feel both bloated and sluggish. Instead of blaming the beans, you should instead be looking at other aspects of your diet and examine if you are consuming the right kinds of foods together in order to more efficiently metabolize and digest them.

It is all about the digestive enzymes

In all actuality, beans and other gassy culprits such as broccoli are high in dietary fiber and can actually help relieve gas provided that you eat them with foods that contain the right type of digestive enzymes to help break them down. For every major type of substrate (i.e. proteins, fats, carbohydrates, cellulose) there is a digestive enzyme needed to break it down. In the case of beans to also eat foods that are high in cellulose to help break down the fiber as well as proteases and peptides in order to break down their protein content. Cellulases can be found in raw whole foods while proteases and peptides are readily available in whole grains as well as tropical fruits like pineapple and papaya.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Telltale Signs of Hemorrhoids

Do you know what hemorrhoids are? Do you know the symptoms of this painful and uncomfortable condition? If your answers to these question are no, then this article is just for you. There are many signs to tell if you have this condition, and this is what this article will show you today. Here are some of the most common symptoms of this condition.

1.Blood on the stool – this is one of the most common telltale signs of having this particular condition involving the rectal area. The reason for this is because the veins of the anal wall become swollen and is sometimes damaged which causes traces of blood to be visible in the feces. This symptom is also present to those people that have colon cancer, so it is important to consult your doctor first to know the true cause of this symptom that you are experiencing. It is better to be safe than sorry. Early detection is very important especially when dealing with a dreadful disease like cancer.

2.Pain – persons suffering from the above mentioned condition is oftentimes observed to be in pain especially if they are passing stools or defecating. This is mainly because the anal veins are either swollen or irritated. This makes it very painful. And the pain is sometimes so intense that a person suffering from hemorrhoids is rendered immobile and unable to do simple tasks such as sitting down. If the pain reaches to this point, it is very much advisable to seek medical care immediately.

3.Itching – This particular symptom is often reported by those suffering from this kind of condition. This is because the veins that are swollen are most of the time irritated also. This irritation causes the release of mucus-like substance, and when this substance comes into contact with the irritated areas of the anus, a person will feel itchiness in that area. Some over-the-counter creams like witch hazel creams can relieve this symptom temporarily. It is important not to scratch the area in which you feel the itchiness. Scratching it can cause further infections to develop.

So there you have it, the telltale signs of hemorrhoids that you should look out for. Always consult your doctor if you feel that something is wrong in your body. This can save you from the time, money, and pain of a disease that is not detected in its earlier stages of development.

Herbal Remedy for Hermorrhoids

It is inevitable that many people will suffer from either internal or external hemorrhoids when they become older. Some of them may resort to natural remedies to address their problems while others may have themselves medicated or even operated on. Currently, there is a herbal remedy for those with swollen veins around their anus and thanks in part to scientific research; this product has helped lessen the agony of many people. This scientific breakthrough product is good news for those who are suffering from so much discomfort because compared to other treatments, the effects are not temporary. This long term solution will bring relief and comfort to many people because it will strike the source of these swollen veins.

Many people have given testimonials to this advance product because it gave them rapid results. The success of this product can be attributed to the herbal ingredients that it carries and the special formulation of this herbal extract will get rid of the painful symptoms that plagued people. It is a known fact that the veins located around the anus are responsible for the normal movement of stools. The problem begins when a person becomes strained while defecating or goes to the toilet more often than not. Eventually, one or a combination of both can cause bloody stools that will be accompanied by itching, anal seepage, irritation or great discomfort.

People are susceptible to hemorrhoids are those who reach the age of forty and who exercise less frequently than before.  Moreover, constipation and diarrhea occur more often lessening the effectiveness of the digestive system. When this happens, it will put more stress on a person's body and swollen veins may grow and become swollen rapidly. For these reasons, this herbal remedy was formulated to relieve people of their uncomfortable and painful symptoms. The ingredients that are used are witch hazel leaf and bark extract, horse chestnut seed extract, and biliberry.

The ingredients possess chemicals that will improve the blood circulation and lessen inflammation. Also, they are able to soothe the skin and will significantly lessen painful irritation and bleeding that are related to hemorrhoids. Lastly, they also have components that will repair and heal connective tissues that were damaged. When people use this product, they will discover that they will regain the enjoyment that they once had before they experienced awful discomfort. This herbal remedy has given hope for millions of people who are afflicted with swollen veins that cause pain in their anus.

Main Contributing Factors in having Hemorrhoids

Generally people who suffer from hemorrhoids feel pain during their bowel movement, they also complain about constant itchiness, bleeding and burning in their anal area. Are you also experiencing these symptoms? It can affect anyone from all ages and races.

Are you wondering why you have this condition? There are many reasons why most suffer from this condition. Usually people over 50 suffer experience this but there are cases that younger people have this due to contributing factors and these are as follows:

•Genetics – if your parents had it, it will probably be passed down on you through heredity. Chances are you'll definitely acquire this condition if you keep on straining when you defecate.

•Age - some individuals begin to develop this condition during their twenties but mostly their symptoms appear at their thirties and above. Usually, adults over 50 suffer from this condition because as you age, the tissues around the anal area weaken and get stretched in the long run.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Natural Treatments for Hemorrhoids That You Should Consider

Natural treatment for hemorrhoids is a good thing to consider if you are finding the best treatment for this problem. It is effective, affordable, and most of the time, side effect free. But before trying any natural or home remedies for your condition, you should consult your doctor first to know if the treatment that you will use is safe. Here are some of the natural treatments that you can use to treat your condition.

1.Dietary fiber – eating fiber rich foods is good treatment for your condition. One of the most common causes of this condition is strain and pressure in the anal wall and veins. Strain in this area is commonly caused by hard bowel movement that is the result of low fiber in your diet. Low fiber in your diet will cause the solid waste inside your intestines to harden. This makes it very difficult to eliminate. You will have a hard time defecating and this will put more strain in your anal veins which will result in swollen veins which is the main cause of hemorrhoids. That is why fiber plays an important role in treating this condition. Fibers make your stool soft and easier to eliminate. The strain and pressure in the anal area will decrease and your problem will go away if you have sufficient amounts of dietary fiber in your body.

2.Citrus fruits – it is not only rich in fiber but is also a good source of bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are plant compounds that are very good in strengthening the blood vessels of the body. It also reduces pain and discomfort that is commonly associated in people suffering from this condition. There are mild side effects that are reported but these cases seem to be rare. It is important to note that if you are taking medications for breast cancer, consult your doctor first before taking bioflavonoid especially tangeretin, because it can be dangerous for your condition.

3.Witch hazel creams – you can easily buy one at a local drugstore. This cream is made from the bark and leaves of witch hazel that is known to relieve pain, swelling and itching caused by this condition.

Overall, taking natural treatments for hemorrhoids is indeed a very good decision to make. But to be on the safe side, always make sure that you consult a doctor first before taking or trying any treatment for your condition. Always stay safe and be healthy.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

CABG video is a crucial helping hand in your stride

CABG video is no longer an alien term in the medical circles as well as to the patient who have to go through a highly critical as well as crucial surgical process popularly known as Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft is abbreviated as CABG. With CABG video materials it becomes easier to understand the ways of the arteries that provide blood to heart.

These videos are appreciated as a very reliable option that helps the doctors to make patients understand about the blocked arteries as well as the narrowed down arteries. In such a situation CABG or Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery appears as an ultimate choice. This particular surgical process by passes the arteries that have been blocked and also makes it possible to provide good amount of blood flow to the heart.

This video is indeed essential as it helps in enhancing the understanding capacity of the patients about this specific surgical process. When it comes to a process of surgery there are so many inhibitions which are generally associated with the mind of patients. By watching these videos patients can get relived of the fear level to a great extent. On the basis of these videos patients can get to know a lot of things about strokes or heart attack mayhems. At the same time patients can also get to know about various forms of chest pain as well as other related troubles that happen to their heart.

These video materials are made in a very realistic process. There are voices; there are images, text, 3d ANIMATION as well as visuals. With the help of it patients can be properly educated about ailments of coronary artery, anatomy of heart, various symptoms of the disease as well as some specific risk factors. Apart form showcasing the risk factors or troubles of the artery diseases, the videos also make it a point to showcase the specific treatment procedures that offer some relief to the patients. At the same time these videos also hit at some possible life style changes which might get your more fit and stable.

These video materials offer some reliable suggestions regarding the post operative life of yours. At the same time you get so many valuable resources on open heart surgery. These videos are indeed invaluable resources. With these videos you can have a proper understanding about the exact position of our heart. At the same time the risk factors as well as complications too (that might arise out of this surgical process) get cleared in front of you. With the help of these videos you will get properly enlightened on how fat deposits, plaques as well as cholesterol create trouble in your heart. At the same time you also get invaluable information on the blockage of artery as well as remedial accessories such as Heart Lung Machine. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

What should you do when suffering from nonbacterial prostatitis?

Many young people undergoing from chronic prostatitis was watched in the digit of hospital patients, antibacterial and western medicines used a lot, but while the disease is still light weight, and postponed healing. Why is this?

The elemental, are deserving to chronic bacterial prostatitis is not caused by the aggression, a considerable portion of the pathogen in patients with no lesions, so antibiotics ambition chance needless of course.

Clinicians to symptoms such as chronic prostatitis, leukocytosis in prostatic liquid, merely the tarnish and culture are not bacteria, no bacteria in the urine cried nonbacterial prostatitis such cases, whatsoever, for the causes of chronic prostatitis have trichomonas, fungal, chlamydia, mycoplasma and other pathogens, for well as allergies and additional special elements, accordingly, ordinarily, besides the upon reasons and factors thought before aseptic prostatitis. prostatitis diagnosis to master the br, likewise understood as chronic nonbacterial prostatitis or prostatic dismiss prostate congestion, its causes has by far no entirely explicit. namely generally deemed, make the congestion of the prostate namely constantly reiterated a kind of factors, such as marital and are accustomed to normal life male, because his wife was productive or sick can no be sex, the man's sexual desire and is quite muscular; some men productive matron as panic of interruption in sexual intercourse ahead ejaculation; unmarried young men's sexual thrusts and constantly undue masturbation; beverage and dine chili and other spicy food and are evoked along this disease causes.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

STDS Aids–The things You Need to Know

STD means sexually transmitted disease is an illness that has significant probability of transmission between humans by means of human sexual behavior, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. It can pass on through having sex with a person who is already infected by STD.

Sexually transmitted disease or STD an infection that colonized by a parasitic species, which may not cause any adverse effects. The infections may lead to impaired function and in either case the condition may not exhibit signs and symptoms. Most people who can acquire STD are person who sexually active individuals.

It can be transmitted mainly through sexual contact with the person who is already infected. Here are some viral elements that comes from a human body or produce by a human body like saliva, venereal fluids, semen, blood, organ transplant, urine, pregnancy, childbirth and breast milk.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) discontinuation syndrome - Diagnosis and Preventions

Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitor(SSRIs) are a types of  antidepressant medications to treat depression and certein neurological disorders, including  obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder (PD), generalised anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and social anxiety disorder (SAD), etc..

SSRI discontinuation syndrome is defined as a condition of a syndrome as a result of interruption, reduced doses or discontinuation of any anti depressant medication, including SSRI (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) and serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), researchers  showed that The SSRI discontinuation syndrome is a characteristic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) discontinuation syndrome appears to exist. It is usually mild, commences within 1 week of stopping treatment, resolves spontaneously within 3 weeks, and consists of diverse physical and psychological symptoms, the commonest being dizziness, nausea, lethargy and headache. SSRI reinstatement leads to resolution within 48 h(1).

III. Diagnosis
There are no specific diagnosis criteria, but researchers in the study of "Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: proposed diagnostic criteria", suggested that the criteria are 2 or more of the following symptoms developing within 1 to 7 days of discontinuation or reduction in dosage of an SSRI after at least 1 month's use, when these symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment and are not due to a general medical condition or recurrence of a mental disorder: dizziness, light-headedness, vertigo or feeling faint; shock-like sensations or paresthesia; anxiety; diarrhea; fatigue; gait instability; headache; insomnia; irritability; nausea or emesis; tremor; and visual disturbances(11).

IV. Prevention
B. Diet to reduce the symptoms of Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) discontinuation syndrome
B.1. Foods to Increase Serotonin
Various fruits boost serotonin and other mood-improving chemicals in the brain, including
The following fruits had a high serotonin concentration (mean +/- SEM) expressed in micrograms/g weight: plantain 30.3 +/- 7.5; pineapple 17.0 +/- 5.1; banana 15.0 +/- 2.4; Kiwi fruit 5.8 +/- 0.9; plums 4.7 +/- 0.8; and tomatoes 3.2 +/- 0.6. Only nuts in the walnut or hickory family had a high serotonin concentration expressed in micrograms/g weight; butternuts 398 +/- 90; black walnuts 304 +/- 46; English walnuts 87 +/- 20; shagbark hickory nuts 143 +/- 23; mockernut hickory nuts 67 +/- 13; pecans 29 +/- 4; and sweet pignuts 25 +/- 8. Ingestion of these fruits and nuts resulted in an increase in urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid excretion with no change in platelet serotonin concentration(13).

Cosmetic Surgeons and Cosmetologists are important for us?

The human beings are supposedly accepted as the worried creatures either of beauty or disease. They are adversely affected by the mentally, physically or emotionally attitudes. There is hardly any day that he or she is not found worried. Though, it goes without saying that "to worry is to lie on the pyre" but nowadays making worry has simultaneously become the essential part of the human's duty. If sometimes he or she is suffering from disease then at other time they are seen worried about their beauty of the skin.

And to cope up with these problems; they themselves are busy in various tasks. From ugliness of face to the physical pain, the normal person usually goes to meet the Chiropractic Physician, Cosmetic surgeons and Cosmetologist. For the sake of overcoming of these problems we need to understand elaborately the responsibilities and functions of the trio.

Chiropractic Physician:
The musculoskeletal system is the organ system that potentially gives human, including animal, ability to move using the muscular and skeletal system. It is naturally made up of the bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles. When there is considerably reported any disorders in the musculoskeletal system, the treatment and prevention given for it is known as Chiropractic. That means chiropractic is a health care profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the musculoskeletal system. The Chiropractic Physicians are recognized as to release tension in the spine, muscles can be relaxed thereby relieving the pain associated with the anomaly. The chiropractors for his treatment use spinal manipulation to treat patients' ailments.

The Dementia Stages And Scales For Assessment

When assessing the Dementia Stages there are three main scales or systems that are used by most Doctors. The Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR) and the Functional Assessment Staging (FAST) Scale are used mainly for the initial assessment of the Dementia Stages. The Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) is used to fine tune the assessment once dementia has been diagnosed.

Below is a quick rundown of each of the three scales used for assessing what stage of dementia a patient is in.

Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) Scale.
This is the most widely used staging system in dementia research. Here, the person with suspected dementia is evaluated by a health professional in six areas: memory, orientation, judgment and problem solving, community affairs, home and hobbies, and personal care and one of five possible stages is assigned.

1. CDR-0 -- No dementia

2. CDR-0.5 – Mild-Memory problems are slight but consistent; some difficulties with time and problem solving; daily life slightly impaired

3. CDR-1 Mild-Memory loss moderate, especially for recent events, and interferes with daily activities. Moderate difficulty with solving problems; cannot function independently at community affairs; difficulty with daily activities and hobbies, especially complex ones.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Do You Need Revision for Bad Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery is something which is becoming ever more popular, especially in the USA. Now that the surgery is more affordable, more women are able to create the body that they have always wanted. Women who were once self-conscious about their bodies can now show it off proudly, increase their self-confidence and lead much happier lives. However, this all depends on breast augmentation surgery going as planned. When it does not, then women may need to have revision for bad breast augmentation which will put their problems right and ensure that they have the body they always wanted after all.

Revision for bad Breast Augmentation

Although the vast majority of people who opt to have breast augmentation surgery will be more than happy with the results, there are always going to be some women who's breast augmentation does not produce the results they were expecting.

Musculo-Skeletal Disorders - Diseases associated with Osteoarthritis

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is medical condition mostly caused by work related occupations and working environment, affecting patients' muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves and developing over time. A community sample of 73 females and 32 males aged 85 and over underwent a standardised examination at home. Musculoskeletal pain was reported by 57% of those interviewed. A major restriction of joint movement range was frequent in the shoulder but uncommon in other joints. A shoulder disorder was found in 27% of subjects, rheumatoid arthritis in 1% and osteoarthritis (OA) of the hand, hip, and knee in five, seven, and 18% of subjects, respectively. Disability was frequent: a walking distance of < 500 m was found in 60% and ADL dependency in 40% of the group. Factors related to one or both of these disability measures included female gender, hip and knee OA, impaired vision, cognitive impairment and neurological disease(1).

Types of Musculo-Skeletal disorders in elder(2)
1. Osteoarthritis
2. Gout
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
4. Polymalagia Arthritis
5. Cervical myleopathy and spinal canal stenosis
6. Osteoporosis
7. Low back pain
8. Fibromyalgia

I. Osteoarthritis (OA), a form of arthritis, is defined as a condition of
as a result of aging causes of wear and tear on a joint, affecting over 25 million people in the United States in alone.

IV. Diseases associated with osteoarthritis
Researchers suggested that OA is not simply a disease related to aging or mechanical stress of joints but rather a "metabolic disorder" in which various interrelated lipid, metabolic, and humoral mediators contribute to the initiation and progression of the disease process. Indeed, OA has been linked not only to obesity but also to other cardiovascular risk factors, namely, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and insulin resistance(19a).

How Young is Your Brain?

Many medical practitioners will tell you that ageing is a normal process where the rate of deterioration of your cells is predetermined by your genes. They maintain that heredity plays the major part in deciding the speed you age, how quickly (if at all) your brain deteriorates, when your skin ages and your muscles weaken.

Over the last few years, research has shown that ageing actually is more a question of your environment and lifestyle. These factors are now thought to play a much larger part in our ageing processes – exercise and relaxation, diet, smoking and alcohol, air quality, electro magnetic interference (radio waves, cell phone, x-ray and so on).

The Research

Much of this research has been investigating diseases associated with the brain – Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Dementia. Not long ago these diseases were dismissed as one of the unfortunate consequences of growing old since the older age groups appeared to suffer with them the most.

Two exciting studies have been investigating the role of a little known compound that occurs naturally in our body and in most animals. Carnosine is created by two amino acids joining together. The result is much more powerful than can be achieved by the two amino acids working on their own. There are links to the studies (and other work) at the end of this article but they are extremely technical. Here is a simple summary of each: -

Study 1 – University of Glasgow, Scotland. They noticed that dementia and Alzheimer patients had lower levels of Carnosine in their brains and spinal fluid than those of other adults of the same age (or older). They also showed that those parts of the brain that are first affected in early Alzheimer's disease are the same areas where Carnosine is normally found in its highest concentrations. As the Carnosine level falls with age, those brain areas become the most vulnerable to Alzheimer's related damage. Carnosine binds with zinc in the brain and protects the delicate tissue. It also increases blood levels and reduces protein "cross-linking" which grow into the fibrous tangles that are found in the brains of Alzheimer sufferers.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What Do You Need to Know About Chlamydia During Pregnancy

Pregnant women are susceptible to all kinds of pathogens and diseases. They are as fragile as glass. When a pregnant woman gets sick, she is not alone. She has her developing baby also suffering the same risk – a risk that could prevent life from happening.

Chlamydia during pregnancy destroys the life waiting for your unborn baby. It changes hopes to death, live and healthy birth to sick and vulnerable endings. It prevents your baby to see the world in full colors and to breathe fresh air with robust healthy lungs. It stops and shatters their chance to create their own path. It is predestination without a promise of a happy tomorrow. It destroys the womb and taints the sacred rites of giving pure life into a new creation.

Chlamydia during pregnancy should be treated immediately. For you to evaluate if you have this destructive disease, here are some of the symptoms in women.

Increased vaginal discharge due to an inflamed cervix

Frequent and painful urination

Pain during intercourse and bleeding right after sex

Lower abdominal pains and irregular bleeding during menstruation

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Preventing the symptoms of Jet Lag

Jet lag syndrome happens during long overseas air travel trips. The symptoms of this condition include insomnia, increased fatigue, nausea, sweating, vomiting, loss of concentration, increased irritability and dizziness. Long distance travelling is often exhausting and uncomfortable. Jet lag is the desynchronisation of the body's circadian cycle when there is disturbance between body rhythms and environmental rhythms. The internal and external factors influence your body clock due to which your sleeping pattern gets affected. An appropriate Jet Lag treatment can come to the rescue so that the beginning of your holiday is not spoiled.

During lengthy journeys, any kind of precaution cannot prevent the possibility of jet lag. However, the symptoms can be controlled by keeping in mind certain important guidelines. You may start by adjusting the time of sleeping and waking at least a week before departure. You need to stay calm and take plenty of rest during this time so that the alteration of time zone is unable to affect you immensely. After reaching your destination you should:

Drink plenty of water

Ensure you stay hydrated

Avoid using escalators as soon as you get off the plane

Some outdoor exercises would serve a good purpose

Sunday, June 17, 2012

How to Effectively Deliver Essential Health and Safety Information

Every staff member needs fire awareness training, as your business needs to comply with legislation. There are hefty fines in place for companies which avoid fire training, so it is in your best interests to keep staff training up to date. However, this is not the only reason you should invest in fire awareness training. No one likes to think that there will actually be a fire in the workplace. The truth is, fires do occur, and they can be fatal if you do not know how to react.

Proper fire training is essential for health and safety, and a business cannot afford to go without it. It does not matter how many members of staff you have, organizing fire training for them all can be a drain on resources and finances. Courses are not cheap and if a third of your staff are attending a course off site, your business will suffer. So are there alternatives to the traditional fire awareness training courses?  Well, quite simply, yes. In this digital age we live in, modern technology allows us to do many things in a more efficient way. Essential health and safety training is no different. Online courses are so sophisticated that your staff may even learn more than if they attended a physical course.

Having the ability to learn on site, in familiar surroundings, should never be underestimated. Also, you know all your staff are getting exactly the same course, presented in exactly the same way, ensuring more consistency than you would get with an offsite course. So how do they work? The courses are presented online, in a clear and structured way. You and your staff can navigate your way through sections such as evacuation procedures and how fire behaves. The important topic of fire extinguisher training should also be covered. Most of your employees will know where your extinguishers are, but in the event of a fire, how many employees would actually know how to use one?

Fire extinguisher training is designed to take the nervousness away and allow your staff to feel confident enough to use one. The whole course should only take 30 minutes, so you can train all your staff without losing too many working hours. To keep your workplace safe and avoid prosecution, you have to arrange regular essential health and safety courses. Consider training your staff online for cost-effective and time-saving fire training.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Common Ailments: Gout

Gout is caused by abnormal metabolism of purine or decreased excretion of uric acid, which results in sensitivity to the body's immune system and leading to acute inflammatory arthritis. Affected areas are mostly toe joints, ankle and knee joints. Long term gout patients may experience pain of finger joints and even causing kidney damage. These symptoms usually occur among people aged above 40, and the frequency increases with age.

The ratio of Gout patients is 50:1 among males and females. The occurrence of severe pain may affect one's quality of life.

 Typical Case

Mr. Lim, aged 54, has suffered from Gout for 3 years. In the early Stages, the symptoms occur once every 1-2 months, with arthritis, joint swelling and pain. They mostly occur after a full meal, consumption of alcohol, exposed to cold and wet conditions. He is often jolted awake by acute pain in the middle of the night. As his spleen is severely damaged due to long term consumption of western medicine, Mr. Lim has lost confidence in treatment. Stones have emerged in his leg and hand joints, and the joints of his "two thumbs exhibit a reddish colour. After a friend told him that Traditional Chinese medicine is effective in treating gout, Mr. Lim came to Ma Kuang to seek treatment.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Acupuncture for pain relief

Acupuncture for Pain Physical pain is a common occurrence for many Americans; in fact, a national survey found that more than one-quarter of U.S. adults had recently experienced some sort of pain lasting more than a day. In addition to conventional treatments, such as over-the-counter and prescription medications, people may try acupuncture in an effort to relieve pain. This fact sheet provides basic information about pain and acupuncture, summarizes scientific research on acupuncture for specific kinds of pain, and suggests sources for additional information.

Key Points People use acupuncture for various types of pain. Back pain is the most commonly reported use, followed by joint pain, neck pain, and headache.

Acupuncture is being studied for its efficacy in alleviating many kinds of pain. There are promising findings in some conditions, such as chronic low-back pain and osteoarthritis of the knee; but, for most other conditions, additional research is needed. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) sponsors a wide range of acupuncture research.

Acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed correctly.

In traditional Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture regulates the flow of qi (vital energy) through the body. Research to test scientific theories about how acupuncture might work to relieve pain is under way.

Safe Blood Cholesterol Levels

Today I want to talk to you about safe blood cholesterol levels. What is a safe range for blood cholesterol levels? What is an ideal level of blood cholesterol?

The medically acceptable range is a blood cholesterol below 200 mg. per deciliter (dL). In some countries it would be below 5.2 millimoles (mmol) per liter. But the truth is, people still have heart attacks at 200 mg. per deciliter. The true ideal range to get your cholesterol into is below 150 mg. per deciliter, which is also below 3.9 millimoles per liter.

The scientific community knows this because in the Framingham Heart Study  –  the longest running heart disease study ever undertaken which began in the 1950s – medical researches like Dr. William Castelli showed us that people with a total blood cholesterol below 150 – or 3.9 millimoles per liter – almost never had a heart attack. So we now understand this to be the ideal rate.

And then of course there is the matter of good vs. bad cholesterol. The bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), should be no higher than 72 mg. per deciliter. So out of the 150 – the total – only 72 of that should be the bad cholesterol. If we're dealing with millimoles per liter (as we would say in Canada) then it should be under 1.8 millimoles per liter and up to 3.9 total cholesterol, with only 1.8 millimoles per liter being the LDL cholesterol fraction.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Migraine Headache and Gastric Pain: My Solution To Overcoming The Pain

This is a story as told by my friendon her first month's experience after consuming Lingzhi and Pollen for her migraine headache and gastric pain ailments:

How I was introduced to Lingzhi and Pollen…

I was complaining to a friend that since the beginning of the year, I suffer from bad headache, body ache, feelings of nausea and lethargy as well as flatulence throughout each of my menstruation period. I have never suffered any serious PMS symptoms previously. I disliked this feeling and it was disrupting my daily routine. I suspected that I might have hormonal imbalance and was planning to visit a gynecologist.

Aside from this discomfort, I have been suffering the lifelong ailments of migraine headache and gastric pain.

My friend then recommended me to speak to Fui Ping to find out more about Lingzhi. He is very satisfied with Lingzhi and highly recommended me to try it. So that's how this started...

After a long explanation on the benefits and effects of Lingzhi by Fui Ping…

As I am very sensitive and allergic to various foods, I was very skeptical and reluctant to try even after the detailed explanation. I researched on the internet and asked around to find out more about Lingzhi. There was indeed more positive feedback among the mix reviews I have received from this personal survey.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hemorrhoids Symptoms The Signs To Look Out For

In most cases hemorrhoids symptoms will be obvious to the sufferer the most obvious being a sharp pain or burning sensation around the anus, in the majority of  cases, the symptoms will disappear on their own within a week or so, they may even be unnoticed by some people who may not even realize they had them.

However, more commonly they will be felt or seen outside the anal opening, there may be one or several that can have the appearance of a bunch of tiny grapes, these are usually prolapsed hemorrhoids that means they have formed inside the anus and have been forced out during defecation.

Hemorrhoids can differ in size and appearance, generally they may be around the size of a pea, but they can grow a lot bigger, well over an inch in diameter are not uncommon.              They may be smooth on the outside or they may also also be wrinkled.

Hemorrhoid Symptoms may include some or all of the following:

Constant itchiness around the anus

General feeling of soreness and burning around the anus.

Excessive straining when defecating

Bleeding after you have passed a stool (this will be bright red blood)

The presence of mucus after defecation

Feeling of pain while passing a stool

Feeling like your bowels are still full even after emptying

Bloodstains on underwear

A  sufferer may even have the misfortune to get blood clots around the anus too these are medically referred to as thrombosed external hemorrhoids and it is this condition that can become very painful and may be also serious if not treated promptly.

Just to clarify a point to the reader in case they are unaware, hemorrhoids can be either external (visible from the outside) or internal (inside the anal canal and not visible).

Internal And External Bleeding Hemorrhoids Symptoms

Bleeding hemorrhoids although not particularly serious are not nice to have as they may cause stress and even embarrassment to the sufferer, with this in mind it is natural that most people want to stop them from bleeding as soon as they can and prevent it from happening again.

Whatever type of hemorrhoids you may have whether they are internal or external, or the two together, both types can begin bleeing, it is best to begin some form of treatment as soon as possible to prevent the condition from worsening or even getting infected.

External hemrrohoids are usually more painful than internal types this is because they are usually located on or around the very sensitive nerves that occur on the anal sphincter.

Conversely, internal hemroids occur where there are a lot less nerves, for this reason external hemorrhoids symptoms are more readily detected due to pain and anal itching well before they start to bleed, when it does happen bright red blood will be noticed on body waste, toilet tissue or in underwear, which will also be the same if internal hemorrhoids begin to bleed.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatments

The first thing to do if you have bleeding hemorrhoids is to make sure that you never become constipated as this will make them a whole lot worse and will slow down the healing process considerably.

If you have constipation then it will do no harm in the first instance to take a laxative to ease the situation, do not rely on laxatives as a long-term solution though as they will do you no good at all.

A change in diet is all that is required to avoid being constipated, make sure you are eating plenty of fruit and enough fiber, cut down on items that can cause binding in the stomach, eggs is a good example particularly if they are hard-boiled.

You can also help make sure you are getting enough fiber by using supplements like psyllium husks or maybe bran cereal, products such as these add essential bulk to body waste helping it to retain water and therefore keeping it soft allowing for easy passage through the anal opening without any straining.

Water intake is also essential in maintaining healthy bowels, make sure you drink plenty every day to assist the digestive system, lack of water will cause body waste to become hard and compacted which is something you must avoid.

Excess Gas?

Have you been bloated and gassy lately? No matter what you eat your stomach swells like a balloon a few hours later?

Pay attention: you might suffer from condition called SIBO – small intestine bacterial overgrowth.

Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine (SIBO), is a digestive disorder that causes chronic bowel problems and intolerance to carbohydrates. Its main symptoms include excess gas, abdominal bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation, and abdominal pain.

Both the small intestines and colon naturally house bacteria, creating a balanced digestive system. The types and amount of bacteria that reside in the small intestine and colon are very different. The colon contains roughly 100,000 times more bacteria than the small intestines. SIBO occurs when there is an overgrowth of colon bacteria in the small intestine.

Since the main purpose of the small intestine is to digest and absorb food, any disruption in its role affects the absorption and utilization of nutrients into the body. Thus, if SIBO is left untreated for too long – various nutritional deficiencies may occur.  It can manifest as anemia, various vitamin deficiencies (vitamin D and B), weakening of the bones due to calcium malabsorbtion, etc.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Remedies For High Blood Pressure - Popping Pills or Something Else?

The clock is ticking.

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, the time to start dealing with it is now. The fact that you are reading this now tells me you are focused on taking care of your health. That is step one. Sitting idly by thinking it will not happen to you is so backward. Now you need to decide, a lifetime of prescription drugs or an alternative?

Six years ago I was in your boat. I went to the doctor to ask about knee pain. After checking my blood pressure, as they normally do when you go to the doctor, I was told that the knee pain was the least of my worries! My nurse actually went out and got another nurse to check my blood pressure a second time, just in case the extremely high readings she was seeing were false. The second nurse, and second readings echoed what she saw - levels so high I was at risk of a heart attack at any time.

Remedies For High Blood Pressure - Popping Pills or Something Else?

The clock is ticking.

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, the time to start dealing with it is now. The fact that you are reading this now tells me you are focused on taking care of your health. That is step one. Sitting idly by thinking it will not happen to you is so backward. Now you need to decide, a lifetime of prescription drugs or an alternative?

Six years ago I was in your boat. I went to the doctor to ask about knee pain. After checking my blood pressure, as they normally do when you go to the doctor, I was told that the knee pain was the least of my worries! My nurse actually went out and got another nurse to check my blood pressure a second time, just in case the extremely high readings she was seeing were false. The second nurse, and second readings echoed what she saw - levels so high I was at risk of a heart attack at any time.

Prevalent Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms

Psoriatic arthritis is known as a kind of arthritis that can impact individuals with serious skin problem identified as psoriasis. It is the formation of red, flaky and thick patches on the skin that could be very painful. According to experts, lots of people typically develop psoriasis first and because the ailment advances, psoriatic arthritis will soon develop. However, the arthritic condition may begin to develop even before lesions on the skin start to show up. Therefore, when you are already having psoriasis, you must also know about the side effects of the condition, which includes psoriatic arthritis. The common psoriatic arthritis symptoms generally include the following:

Pain in the Joints

Experts stated that there are various patterns for pain. The mildest variety of the disease is known as asymmetric psoriatic arthritis and most likely impacts a fewer number of joints within the body. Symmetric psoriatic arthritis, on the other hand, may affect more than five joints on either sides of the body, whilst spondylitis can lead to pain on the spine, the neck and the lumbar region. In accordance with studies, fewer individuals have arthritis mutilans, which is considered as by far the most painful and most serious sort of psoriatic arthritis.

Friday, May 18, 2012

That&#039;s Not My Mother!

Elderly Parents

We think about it as we ourselves get older. We have all seen images of elderly people, incapacitated by degree and in need of care. These are the images we feed on and consider to be the norm. Occasionally we see an image of a sprightly old fellow with a smile on his face, but he is always singled out as being the exception.

It is our expectation that our elderly parents will become confused and frail we may expect them to develop early Alzheimer's symptoms. In fact that is our hope for them as their death is something we do not like to face. We have two options in life: To grow old or die. Most prefer the former. We prefer it for our loved ones, but at what price?

I spent five years watching an elderly woman I called my mother, but whom I no longer knew, slowly taken away from me.  I saw occasional glimpses of the wonderful joyous and generous Soul she was, but soon after her early Azheimer's symptoms appeared the disease developed quickly and they became few and far between.

I remember the day I drove towards home after my daily visit to the facility in which she lived. It struck me with a jolt and I clenched the steering wheel. 

"That's not my mother!"

I couldn't drive for the tears streaming from my eyes and pulled over to think about this discovery. My mother had been gone a long time and I hadn't realized it. 

Alzheimer's Disease had replaced her. Stupid as it may seem I couldn't help thinking of that movie "Invasion of the body snatchers" where facsimiles of people arise from seed pods. People who are not who they look like. The particular scene in the dry cleaners where the Chinese gentleman utters emphatically to the hero "That not my wife," came clearly to me and I laughed through the tears. My Mom loved that movie too.

She had gone from us all. A gradual withdrawal from life, while remaining with a fairly stoic body. I hadn't even noticed what was really happening. I remembered the diagnosis of early Alzheimer's symptoms, but  I had just called it "confusion" and looked no further. That was my word to bring a convenient understanding to her state. It was a word that fitted my expectations; those we are all fed with. That is what happens with elderly parents after all.

I cursed my self for being oblivious to the change. Its an insidious condition that comes from behind you and one day drives a sharp dagger of realization between the shoulder blades. 

It hit me hard and the guilt poured from my Soul.

I would visit for longer and I would not try to steer a pointless conversation from the one we had thirty seconds ago to something new. I would say the same things over and over and I would never mind doing that again. I would bring her gifts and flowers and tend to all her needs.

Guilty, guilty. But whose fault is it really? What could I have done?

I sat in my car on the edge of the road for quite some time wondering what I could have done, until I heard her in my mind say "Just get on with it. There's no looking back". 

Such a pragmatic woman she was and I knew she probably understood very well, although she could no longer articulate the fact.

So I tried right then and there to think only of what good there had been in this uncontrolled spiral into confusion. The family had rallied and her grandchildren had proven worthy of her love. They showed love and compassion during her illness and I think they grew from this. That was her last of great many lessons to them.

How could I wring some good from this all? 

Guilt is a good motivator.

I thought back over her more lucid times. She had placed herself in a good position many years ahead by purchasing an independent living flat, which was part of, but separated from, a large nursing home. A foot in the door I used to call it.

Treatments for Piles – Hemorrhoids are a Pain in The Bum – Here&#039;s What You Can Do

Piles, medically referred to as hemorrhoids, are a collection of swollen or enlarged blood vessels situated in the lower part of a person's rectum. As well as extreme discomfort and even pain, hemorrhoids can also cause intense itching around the anus and bleeding when passing a stool. Although piles are not considered a serious condition, leaving them untreated could lead to having them removed via surgery. Before learning how to get rid of piles, it is important you try and understand how they are caused as this may prevent a recurrence in the future.


There are a number of reasons for a person developing piles, with the most common being obesity. If you do not have enough fibre in your diet, you will be at an increased risk of developing piles. This is because fibre softens a person's stools, preventing straining when going to the toilet. Excessive straining can inflame and enlarge the blood vessels around the rectum and anus. This will then result in hemorrhoids. If your work or home life requires constant heavy lifting, your chances of suffering from piles will be high. This is because the strain of lifting affects the blood vessels in your bottom.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Angry Young Man: Behind the Scenes

Given the declining situation of health in India one wonders what made the proverbial "angry young man" of Indian cinema angry! The stories on reel displayed social injustice as the common factor. The real reasons could very well be high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol that lead to all the angry and frustrated outbursts of the various characters played by the iconic actor, Amitabh Bachchan or Big B as he is popularly referred to nowadays!

Hypertension, which is another name for high blood pressure ails nearly 13.9 crore Indians. Hypertension is one of the leading risk factors for heart diseases, which has been identified as the biggest killer. More than 12lakh people die every year due to any of the following diseases – coronary heart disease, ischaemic heart disease, stroke – and many more are disabled for life.

Blood pressure is a measurement of the flow of blood through the arteries pumped from the heart. The measurement is expressed as two values, e.g., 120/80 mmHg. The upper value (120) express the pressure of the flow of blood when the heart is in a state of contraction. The lower value (80) expresses the pressure when the muscle is in a relaxed state, in between the beat. Blood pressure is said to be high when the measurement is above 140/90 mmHg most of the time. A person who is suffering from such a medical condition is considered a hypertensive.

That&#039;s Not My Mother!

Elderly Parents

We think about it as we ourselves get older. We have all seen images of elderly people, incapacitated by degree and in need of care. These are the images we feed on and consider to be the norm. Occasionally we see an image of a sprightly old fellow with a smile on his face, but he is always singled out as being the exception.

It is our expectation that our elderly parents will become confused and frail we may expect them to develop early Alzheimer's symptoms. In fact that is our hope for them as their death is something we do not like to face. We have two options in life: To grow old or die. Most prefer the former. We prefer it for our loved ones, but at what price?

I spent five years watching an elderly woman I called my mother, but whom I no longer knew, slowly taken away from me.  I saw occasional glimpses of the wonderful joyous and generous Soul she was, but soon after her early Azheimer's symptoms appeared the disease developed quickly and they became few and far between.

I remember the day I drove towards home after my daily visit to the facility in which she lived. It struck me with a jolt and I clenched the steering wheel. 

"That's not my mother!"

I couldn't drive for the tears streaming from my eyes and pulled over to think about this discovery. My mother had been gone a long time and I hadn't realized it. 

Alzheimer's Disease had replaced her. Stupid as it may seem I couldn't help thinking of that movie "Invasion of the body snatchers" where facsimiles of people arise from seed pods. People who are not who they look like. The particular scene in the dry cleaners where the Chinese gentleman utters emphatically to the hero "That not my wife," came clearly to me and I laughed through the tears. My Mom loved that movie too.

She had gone from us all. A gradual withdrawal from life, while remaining with a fairly stoic body. I hadn't even noticed what was really happening. I remembered the diagnosis of early Alzheimer's symptoms, but  I had just called it "confusion" and looked no further. That was my word to bring a convenient understanding to her state. It was a word that fitted my expectations; those we are all fed with. That is what happens with elderly parents after all.

I cursed my self for being oblivious to the change. Its an insidious condition that comes from behind you and one day drives a sharp dagger of realization between the shoulder blades. 

It hit me hard and the guilt poured from my Soul.

I would visit for longer and I would not try to steer a pointless conversation from the one we had thirty seconds ago to something new. I would say the same things over and over and I would never mind doing that again. I would bring her gifts and flowers and tend to all her needs.

Guilty, guilty. But whose fault is it really? What could I have done?

I sat in my car on the edge of the road for quite some time wondering what I could have done, until I heard her in my mind say "Just get on with it. There's no looking back". 

Such a pragmatic woman she was and I knew she probably understood very well, although she could no longer articulate the fact.

So I tried right then and there to think only of what good there had been in this uncontrolled spiral into confusion. The family had rallied and her grandchildren had proven worthy of her love. They showed love and compassion during her illness and I think they grew from this. That was her last of great many lessons to them.

How could I wring some good from this all? 

Guilt is a good motivator.

I thought back over her more lucid times. She had placed herself in a good position many years ahead by purchasing an independent living flat, which was part of, but separated from, a large nursing home. A foot in the door I used to call it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How To Use Nystatin Powder To Cure Yeast Infections

One of the commonly prescribed anti-fungal drugs is the broad spectrum fungicidal drug called Nystatin. This drug is available in cream, liquid, tablet and powder forms but, the powder form is usually the preferred form for the treatment of yeast infections as it can be used both internally and externally.

This powdered form can be used to treat Candida via these different ways:

1-You can sniff or inhale Nystatin powder to clear the nasal congestion, post nasal, mental and nervous symptoms caused by Candida overgrowth. You can follow the following steps to inhale this powder successfully:

-Shake the bottle of Nystatin vigorously

-Remove the cap of the bottle and hold the bottle just under the nose

-You can take up to 3-4 sniffs at a time up to three times daily

2-To treat oral yeast infection and to treat yeast infection of the throat, you can mix teaspoon of Nystatin powder in 1-2 ounces of water and then hold this mixture in your mouth for 2 minutes during which you swish it around your mouth. After swishing it in your mouth for these 2 minutes you can then swallow it.

Can&#039;t Do Without Sugar? You Might Have Candida Alcoholism

One of the effects that yeast cells have on the body when they grow out of control is called Candida alcoholism; this effect of Candida alcoholism is responsible for the manifestations of the symptoms of foggy head and dizziness which are part of the symptoms of Candida overgrowth.

What is the cause of this phenomenon?

Alcohol is a waste product produced by yeasts during the process of fermentation. When there is excessive activity of yeast in the intestines, the alcohol produced by these cells can cause a type of alcoholism in the yeast sufferer.

Even though the level of alcohol produced is not high enough to label the person has been legally drunk nor is the level of alcohol high enough to be detected by a breadth test, the level of alcohol produced is high enough to affect the brain of the person that has Candida overgrowth.

Do You Know The Different Species Of Candida That Can Cause Infection In People?

Although there are over 40 different species of Candida yeast, it is only a few of these different species that can infect human beings.

In this article we shall be looking at the different types of this fungal micro-organism that can infect human beings and, here are the following species of Candida that can infect human beings:

1-Candida Dubliniensis

This species is found virtually everywhere in our surroundings and it has a structure that is very similar to that of Candida albicans. It only causes opportunistic infections in people living with AIDS and in people afflicted with other diseases associated with immunocompromised states and it usually causes infections of the mouth in these people.

2-Candida Glabrata

This species also causes opportunistic infection in people that have been afflicted with diseases that are associated with weakened and low immunity levels like AIDS. It usually infects the uro-genital tract and the blood stream in these people leading to very fatal infections with high mortality rates.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Discover How to Easily Recognise Candida Infection of the Oesophagus

Candida infection of the oesophagus or the food pipe is not one of the common types of Candida infection but it is important that you get conversant with how it presents so that when it shows up occasionally, you can easily recognise and treat it.

This type of fungal oesophagus infection is often associated with conditions that cause your immune and defence system to be weak; these conditions include the following:  Diabetes mellitus, HIV/AIDS, Leukaemia, use of anti cancer drugs etc.

If people that have any of these conditions become infected with oral thrush, the fungal infection can easily spread down into the oesophagus.

These following signs and symptoms are usually associated with yeast infection of the throat:

1-Dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing)

Yeast infection of the oesophagus is usually associated with difficulty in swallowing and this symptom is known as dyshagia. This symptom gives you the sensation of having food stuck in your throat and it will lead to difficulty in swallowing both solid and liquid forms of food.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Workout Routines for the Signs of Tennis Elbow Conditions

After the surgery or for less severe cases of lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow, various workouts are highly recommended to speed up the healing process as a consequence of affliction. However, it is recommended to refer to your medical specialist first prior to performing these workouts. Additionally, for serious cases of tennis elbow, surgical treatments might be recommended and you may talk to your personal doctor for the right tennis elbow surgery for your affliction.

* Forearm Stretches: this exercise can be carried out by extending the forearm muscles that is connected to the elbow by simply moving the wrist by flexion and extension flexibility. Stretch the damaged arm towards the front side of the chest whilst your palm is facing forward and your fingers are pointed upwards. Gently pull your fingers backward using the other hand until you feel a mild stretch at the end of your forearm. Maintain this position for at least 10 seconds. Lightly flex your wrist so that your fingers are pointing down. Once more, pull your fingers in the opposite direction and stretch the top of the forearm for an additional ten seconds. Execute both stretching routines using the other arm.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tinnitus and TMJ

There are various manifestations of the condition known as temporomandibular joint disorder. This may include neck pain, ear pain and tinnitus. In general, half of the population who suffers from tinnitus also have TMJ and vice versa. This is because tinnitus and TMJ can both be a symptom of each other. This condition can be hard to diagnose and this is because hearing loss is not the primary cause of the problem but jaw misalignment is. However, once the condition is diagnosed, then you can easily find a treatment for both conditions.

TMJ is a condition where the jaw moves out of place and this can sometimes cause hearing loss. Basically, the joint can be found right in front of the ears and this allows us to speak, smile and chew. Tinnitus and TMJ patients usually have a hard time sleeping or they may not be able to sleep at all. TMJ symptoms may include sinus headaches, migraine headaches, popping of the jaw joint, tingling fingers, lower back pain, stiff shoulders and necks.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Are you following these essential suggestions to lower your blood pressure?

Key guidelines to lowering your high blood pressure through exercise low pressure life. Are you currently following these key tips to lower your blood pressure?

One with the main factors contributing to high blood pressure is getting overweight. Being overweight is likely to create you 2-6 times much more likely to develop high blood pressure in the course of your life. Losing just 5-10 pounds can make an enormous difference in stopping or minimizing your blood pressure.

To prevent or minimize high blood pressure it's smart to acquire standard physical exercise. Studies have shown that men and women who perform out or take portion in physical exercise can decrease their high blood pressure as a lot as 10-50% than people who remain physically inactive. Prevention might be as basic as taking a walk for 20-30 minutes every day 3-4 instances per week.

Are you currently eating the best foods to lower your blood pressure?

low pressure life.

Are you following these crucial tips to lower your blood pressure? If you are living with high blood pressure it's important to consume foods which are wealthy in potassium. You could possibly be surprised to find you'll find already foods that taste delicious which can be rich in potassium. Eating fruits, vegetables, dairy foods, and fish are all superb selections. Imagine having salmon with grilled corn for dinner followed by a delicious fruit platter for dessert.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Overcome Ingrown Toenail inside Two-Minute Formula

Ingrown toenail will probably be unpleasant situation that you cannot afford to be able to sit in peacefulness. It poke in the thumb and bring about throbbing pain across the infected thumb. You can correct it easily by browsing podiatrist and ask them to remove the toenail, but it remains is not going to stop there. It is going to retain growing inside upcoming and nurture along toward in view, it repeating.

My experience inside of battling on ingrown toenail end with simple home treatment there is no need spend hardly  any money or long time for it to cure it once for most.

I had unfavorable ingrown toenail in last a short while; it might press me insane easily usually do not solve it with this time. Fortunately, after trying lots of time and therapy. It actually needs simple domestic hot water to eliminate the pain that you feel around the particular thumb.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Key of every disease hospitals in india

It doesn't matter whether which hospital is good or not but the thing that matters for the patient is how much it is capable in curing their deadly disease. There are several hospitals having their presence in local city, district and their state capital but among those hospitals some want to make the quick money that why they suggest them the long treatment. Good quality of treatment means the good medical services in which the hospitals in Delhi got the award in recent years. Hospitals in Delhi are designed as the multifaceted organization through the virtue of high-tech and modern function of medical services. The has been focusing on the multispecialty activities, qualified medical staff, wide range of repertoire technologies, texture of human suffering and pressure to perform better in pertaining alpha and omega.

The operating room of the Hospital in Delhi is sponge used during the surgery and further treatment and the professional doctors are using the RFID chip technique for the surgical purpose. Delhi is the fast developing metro city among the all metro cities and medical tourism has grown the business of the Indian capital; the hospital in Delhi has been following the basic principle to provide the primary level medical services for the treatment of every disease at the affordable price. The highly qualified doctor has been practicing in private and government hospitals in India to give their best to the each patient. The health service in India has been changing and a larger part of it has achieved due to which every day score of tourist are choosing the way of India in search of best treatment at the cheaper rate.

It not easy to manage the cost management and increasing price competition of the market in medical services because government Hospitals in India offer their service at cheaper rate in comparison with private high tech hospitals. Government Hospital in India has the complete hold of Indian government while the private hospital  have to manage their medical services and qualified doctors fees charges extra for their services but they commit for the best service. Indian medical tourism has become the booming business tool which is providing the employment to passing out doctors every year and the credit goes to higher education system of medical institution. Near capital region has become the hub of best medical services that why patient has been coming from the every part of country.

Ignoring High Blood Pressure Brings In Severe Medical Problems

It would be a serious mistake to ignore hypertension or high blood pressure (BP) over a lengthy period of time. The Canadian pharmacy believes it to be an open invitation for chronic medical problems and can hit individuals suddenly and without warning. For example, global health awareness programs have been devised to help individuals understand the importance of preventing high blood pressure from affecting their kidneys. The World kidney Day educates the masses about kidney disease and medical problems associated with it.

Routine Lifestyle Changes Help a Great Deal

Specialists often asked patients to monitor blood pressure and check for optimum blood sugar levels to avoid medical complications arising at a later date. Medical conditions like heart attack and stroke are directly connected to irregular BP, and these conditions deteriorate quite quickly. Basic changes in lifestyle will help greatly in avoiding hypertension. People often buy Diovan to keep blood pressure under control.

Our Canadian pharmacy believes adopting healthy lifestyle changes will positively affect other family members as well. A healthy home atmosphere wherein all members are involved in some form of physical activity and consume well-balanced diets will definitely help curb associated problems.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Beverly Hills Botox - Relief from Migraines

In 2010, the FDA approved the use of Botox to treat migraines. Earlier, Botox was only popular for smoothing the wrinkles on the face but now for patients with the debilitating condition of migraines, this is welcome news. However, the FDA does recommend that patients with chronic migraines should first discuss with their doctors if Beverly Hills Botox treament is the appropriate procedure for them.

Chronic migraines can be defined as a distinct and severe neurological disorder characterized by patients who have a history of migraines and suffer from headaches of 15 or more days per month lasting four hours a day or longer. Treating chronic migraines is usually done in this way: a qualified medical specialist administers a number of Botox injections into about seven specific head and neck sites in labeled doses. Results last about three months depending on the severity and other individual factors depending on the patient. The injections are intended to dull future headache symptoms and hopefully alleviate other migraine related symptoms.

There has been much discussion ever since FDA approved the use of Botox for migraines whether or not it is as effective as claimed. Several studies were undertaken to prove and discover the effectiveness of the treatment. According to one study, the Botox drug that can temporarily erase wrinkles, helps to prevent some types of migraines. In fact, many people now believe that migraines that people describe as "eye-popping" have a better chance of relief from Botox rather than those who refer to the kind of migraines where they feel pressure inside the head. It is also generally believed that Botox works by blocking pain receptors or reducing inflammation that is associated with migraines.

A few specialized cosmetic surgeons offer Botox treatments for migraines with Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and New York being the hot spots where most of these ground-breaking procedures are being done fredquently.  Further studies are ongoing, which will hopefully reveal even more findings about the specifics of how Botox directly relates to migraine headache relief. For now, however, all of you long-time suffering migraine patients can rejoice and have at least a temporary cause for hope – Botox may very well be the answer to your prayers to put an end to your migraine troubles.

Dealing with Dementia Patients Not As Easy As It Looks

Experts recommend slowing down while communicating with dementia patients. They feel the mental process is so slow it could be compared to registering speech under water. Caretakers met at Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital in Ontario to discuss difficulties arising when taking care of patients suffering from dementia or mild Alzheimer's disease. Our Canadian pharmacy follows workshop results, as caretakers help each other think of better ways to deal with dementia patients.

Alzheimer's disease brings in deteriorating brain functioning which generally worsens over time. One of the most important factors to consider is lack of understanding. Patients have a different thought process and react differently to conversation or even instructions. A simple statement may be interpreted literally or in a way that defies logic. Caretakers therefore need patience to deal with sufferers, while at the same time have to develop innovative ways of communicating with patients. Generic Aricept does help in retaining reasoning, memory, and thinking capability.

We often find people raising their voices when dealing with children. It does not indicate a child is not able to see what is being said but responds more promptly to raised voices invoking a feeling of urgency. The same condition exists with dementia patients. Their interpretation of reality may be totally different. Experts during the three-day program found playing along with them needed some practice but could be the best way of dealing with the situation.

Top Reasons to Use a Natural Shampoo for Head Lice

If your kid has go head lice, you will no doubt want and efficient go lice cureright away. It is organic to want to drop everything and run to the druggist for the most convenient to get item around. But wait! Take a breath and realize that the safety of your kid needs to come first. Although go head lice is a huge hassle and can cause irritation such as an scratchy head and allergy, it is otherwise totally simple. Head go lice do not propagate disease or cause sickness. So, a little additional a chance to do your analysis and select a secure items for go head lice is the way to go. Finding a secure go lice treat can be confusing, so try to keep relaxed.

Here are some top reasons why you should AVOID chemical treatments:

Shampoo for go head lice and go lice apply that contains way to destroy pests harmful toxins such as Pyrethrin or pyrethrum are not 100% efficient for go head lice. Many go lice have become immune to these substances and are now "super go lice."  Moreover, these items claim to destroy the egg (nits), but often do not.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

When Looking for Neurosurgeons in Delhi and India

These days, one can definitely see the never-before advancement in modern medicine. Diseases, once considered as incurable, are now curable or can be effectively managed. As far as neurosurgery is considered, it has undergone a sea-change since its origins over 150 years ago. Now, patients, with nervous system related diseases, can hope for world-class treatments, and that too, at affordable costs. Anyone, looking for some of the best neurosurgeons in Delhi, can find a neurosurgery with great ease. Below are the information which will help one in one's search for the best neurosurgeons in Delhi, India.

Internet has all the answers

One just needs to enter one's query, such as neurosurgeons in Delhi, in Google (or any other search-engine). A list of top comprehensive neurosurgeons will appear on the search-engine result pages. Be more specific in your search for getting more-relevant results.

Ask Friends, Relatives and Colleagues

The world runs like, 'one knows someone who knows someone who is a relative of someone'. The point here is to ask family, relatives and colleagues for some good references when it comes to finding some of the best neurosurgeons in Delhi, India. There is no harm in asking for help.

Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea

Your exhausted body wants a tight sleep at the end of the day. After all, sleep is all that gives you energy to join work fresh the next day. Sometimes, we do not enjoy sound sleep at night in spite of the fact, we are dog-tired and the bed draws us like nothing. You should definitely think about this, if you suffer from countless sleepless nights beyond any control. One may experience disturbed sleep a night or two, but it may be a cause of concern when it becomes persistent.

Difficult in sleeping, snoring while sleeping is generally known as sleep apnea. Commonly, the main symptoms of apnea are disturbed sleep and snoring while sleep. Millions of people in the world suffer from this disorder. Strangely, apnea is not like any other form of sleeping disorder. Doctors generally related apnea with the lifestyle disorders. Continuous stress, eating hazards, chaotic lifestyle coupled with some other dominating factors affect sleep directly. Still, the best part about this sleeping disorder is that apnea is preventable. A little bit of lifestyle changing can lead to a lot of betterment of this physical condition.

Friday, April 13, 2012

How to identify malaria symptoms?

Malaria accounts for the highest number of deaths in the world. It is one of the deadliest diseases that occur around the world especially in hot and humid climate such as the tropics. Millions of people on Earth die to this disease every year which female mosquitoes are mainly responsible. The mosquitoes are the carrier of parasite that causes malaria. When a person becomes contaminated with Plasmodium, the parasite that causes malaria, it starts to increase within the human body. Malaria signs can start within few weeks to a maximum of one month after the mosquito has injected the parasite. The interval between illness and the start of signs, term as the malaria incubation interval. This interval can be as brief as seven times or as long as several weeks.

Infection with malaria parasitic organisms may outcome in a large range of signs, including exceptionally gentle signs to serious condition, and even dying. Malaria can be classified as straightforward or complicated. In common, this is a treatable condition if clinically diagnosed and handled quickly and properly. Some of the ordinary malaria symptoms are fever with sweating, shaking chills, headaches and muscle aches, vomiting and diarrhea. The malaria symptoms may also vary around the world, as the parasite may slightly vary at different places.

Some malaria parasites are present that may result in other serious conditions such as some vital organ failure, or may affect the nervous system and cause nervous failure resulting into coma. There are other malaria symptoms such as bleeding, severe anemia and respiratory diseases which might result into even death of the person. There are malignant stage of malaria and basic stage in malaria. These possible malaria symptoms are not sure symptoms. A number of other problems may have identical symptoms. However, if one has possible symptoms, one should check out your doctor instantly.

One might have to do some blood test to get verified whether the malaria infected person or not. Malaria should be regarded a prospective medical care urgent situation, and should be handled accordingly. Wait in analysis and malaria treatment is a leading cause of dying in people with the condition. Malaria is curable if malaria symptoms identified well in advance. Less immune people are prone to malaria.Malaria can be reduced by preventing pest hits with netting and mosquito control by treating pesticides inside houses.

Type 2 Diabetes Reaching Epidemic Proportions in Scotland

Unhealthy lifestyles are affecting millions across the globe, and experts in Scotland recently realized the great majority of people in the country risk acquiring type 2 diabetes because of improper diet and lack of exercise. These factors are vastly ignored by people in industrialized nations. Canadian pharmacies gathered information in the form of statistics showing around 50,000 people suffer from the lifestyle disease and are unaware of the situation.

Neglecting the situation is bound to increase risk further as an estimated 620,000 people are at risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes. Government bodies and NGOs must collaborate immediately to help educate the masses about proper diet. Lifestyle changes to be implemented need to be taught through different formats either through the Internet or at the grass-root level through volunteers.

Conference Preparing Clients with Ways to Reduce Diabetes

History shows people over the age of 40 years have maximum risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but researchers found the youth in Scotland also had increased risk in recent times. Preparations were underway to take necessary action. Experts plan on helping people avoid chronic illnesses like kidney disease, heart disease, stroke, and eye problems, all related to diabetes. A conference was held at Glasgow's SECC where professionals from the medical field assembled to discuss vital parameters needed to be implemented on a war footing. Specialists normally ask people to buy Novolog and other effective medication from Canadian pharmacies to prevent onset of diabetes.

Sweet Enough - High Blood Pressure and High Sugar Intake

The following article briefly discusses the correlation between high blood pressure and excessive blood sugar. Both appear interrelated with medical research pointing to the detrimental aspects sugar is having on health. The premise here is that through high sugar Western diets, we are literally eating ourselves to chronic disease. 

 A significant increase in blood sugar levels globally has given rise to high blood pressure, specifically hypertension, subsequently there has been an increase in blood vessel related illness. (Johnson et al., 2007) propose prior to the introduction of high sugar Western diets, hypertension appears to have been almost nonexistent in non-Western peoples. Studies conducted with Native Americans, Australian Aborigines, Maori, Alaskan Eskimos, Asians, and African blacks have witnessed considerable change in hypertension rates since the introduction of Western culture and diet. 

Atkins, Vernon and  Eberstein (2004) affirm the relation to illness, a mixture of high blood pressure and high sugar is dangerous. If you have both, you are at much greater risk for blood vessel injury, leading to stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, blindness and amputations. Regulating diet seems a logical response. 

 A diet with low sugar intake can significantly reduce systolic blood pressure. Research conducted by OmniHeart tested three diets on individuals with hypertension (BP > 140/90) or pre-hypertension (BP >120/80). Each diet was high in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods, beans, nuts, and other foods containing key nutrients. In individuals with hypertension, a  reduction of systolic blood pressure by 13 points was recorded. Those diets, which contained only 30 to 50 calories of added sugars a day, reduced systolic blood pressure by 16 points (Liebman, 2010). In contrast, Kretowicz, Johnson, Ishimoto, Nakagawa and Manitius (2011) conducted a study of overweight men and administered 200g of fructose daily for two weeks. Here a marked increase in ambulatory blood pressure was recorded.

 Falkner, Lurbe and Schaefer (2010) assert that improving diet, increasing physical activity, and controlled weight loss are significant for both the prevention and the nonpharmacologic treatment of hypertension. Research has shown that even small improvements in blood pressure and blood sugar - along with weight loss - can improve your chances of avoiding blood vessel related illness  (Atkins, Vernon &  Eberstein 2004). It is clear there is little place for sugar in a diet that is designed to lower blood pressure (Liebman, 2010).

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sinus Infection Relief for Adults and Children

Signs and symptoms of sinusitis often include congestion, headache, fever, trouble breathing, chest congestion and sore throat. The symptoms may range from mild to severe, depending on the intensity of the condition.

Natural Remedies for Sinusitis

If you always experience having sinusitis or sinus related infection, finding a sinus infection relief can be very helpful. However, you should know that you do not have to opt for medications at all times since there are natural remedies that can be very effective against sinus related infections. These remedies include the following:

Steam inhalation

When suffering from sinusitis, the first thing that you need to do is to clear your nasal passages and drain mucus build up. Steam inhalation is an effective sinus infection relief and this can help you alleviate other symptoms of sinusitis. When doing this method, it would be great if you can add a few drops of eucalyptus or lemon oil into the boiling water.

Nasal Irrigation

This is also an effective sinus infection relief. Simply mix tablespoon of salt with warm water and use a syringe, without the needle, to deliver the solution into your nasal passages. Hold the solution in for several minutes by tilting your head backwards before draining it out.

First Signs and Treatment Solutions for Multiple Sclerosis

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary from one individual to another. Even so, most of multiple sclerosis individuals usually have the similar signs and symptoms in almost all types of multiple sclerosis. The initial signs and symptoms, which affect multiple sclerosis prognosis commonly include the following:

* Feeling numb in the area of the face
* Vision problems
* Muscle pain
* Intestinal tract and bladder problems
* Gastrointestinal issues
* Tingling sensation on the skin
* Lack of coordination
* Muscle spasm
* Sexual dysfunction
* Difficulty speaking
* Tingling of the body

Apart from all of the warning signs mentioned previously, patients experiencing multiple sclerosis can also encounter abrupt paralysis as well as slurred speech. These indications are part of the health condition although these are very uncommon. Even so, keep in mind that these signs or symptoms are the ones that should be looked out for, because these often determine the severity of the problem. In females, the primary signs and symptoms of the disorder usually include urinary incontinence, tremors, vision and speech problems and irregular bowel movements. Itching and tingling sensation can also be seen in almost all cases of this condition.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Best Place to find Green Pharmacy Products

Modern day drugs are effective, there is no debate about that; but do you know that green pharmacy products can be as effective with minimal or no side effects?

It is probably the case that in your lifetime, you might have never witnessed a doctor prescribing herbal medicine. Even after asking for recommendation, some doctors may claim that green pharmacy products hardly work. The doctors might, however, not have adequate information regarding that product, which is not to say that doctors advices should be overlooked. The problem is in getting the right advice from a well informed medical professional.

To be assured of the effectiveness of green pharmacy products, it is only fair if you did your own research as well. Forget about obtaining referrals and purchasing products based on hearsays. Always go for green pharmacy products that you believe, after having done necessary research and receiving the doctors approval, are perfectly fit for your condition.

The process of finding a good provider of green pharmacy products should start early enough. Start by looking at some online green pharmacies and what they have to offer. Go through reviews and forums discussing some of their green pharmacy products. Consider some of the ingredients of the product and do some research regarding them. For instance, look for those products that have healthy ingredients like Aloe Vera which help the skin if yours is a skin related complication. If you are looking for products to manage pain as a result of a certain illness, look for ingredients like valerian root, ginseng and St Johns Wort which are know to help alleviate pain.

Are You Too Sleepy To Read This?

Southerners have the most trouble sleeping and are the most likely to feel tired during the day. That's according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine that analyzed sleep problems state-to-state. Thirty-three percent of adults in West Virginia and Mississippi and 25% in Arkansas and Louisiana felt daytime fatigue. Twenty-six percent of West Virginians also slept badly. In the Midwest sleep disturbances were mixed – 25% of the people in Oklahoma and 17% in Minnesota. Californians were among the best rested – 17% had sleep problems and 18% experienced daytime fatigue. Maybe Californians aren't "laid-back" – maybe they're asleep.

Sleepiness may cause us to eat more. Research presented to the American Heart Association asked 17 people ages 18-40 to record their eating and sleeping patterns for 3 days at home and 8 days in a lab. Half were allowed to sleep two-thirds of their normal sleep time and half slept their full amount. All were allowed to eat as much as they wanted. Those who got one-third less sleep ate about 549 extra calories daily. Since that amount of extra calories could result in a weight gain of 1 pound weekly, we should "wake up to" the need for sleep.

Sleep apnea may cause depression. Sleep apnea is a breathing disorder that causes frequent sleep disruptions. According to a study published in the journal Sleep, men diagnosed with sleep apnea were 2 times likelier than other men to be clinically depressed. Women were 5 times likelier than other women. Although 6% of men and 3% of women have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, more than 80% of the people who reported the classic symptoms – snorting or gasping for breath – hadn't been diagnosed. Nevertheless, there is good news. Snorers didn't test positive for depression  – although their partners might.

Sleepiness is a big problem for airline pilots. In a study by the National Sleep Foundation, 25% of 202 pilots surveyed said sleepiness had affected their job performance at least weekly. More than 50% said they took at least 1 nap on workdays. Twenty percent said they had made a serious mistake because of sleepiness and 6% said they'd had a car accident due to sleepiness while commuting. As of December 2011 the Federal Aviation Association issued new rules limiting pilot-duty time. Because the airlines have 2 years to implement these rules, I hope the airlines don't "fall asleep on the job".

Prevalent Reasons for Bulging Disc in Neck

The majority of herniated disc situations will definitely improve if you prefer proper rest and resort to preventive steps. Same as in the case of cervical bulging disc symptoms, bulging disc in your neck normally requires the right amount of rest as well. Then again, for this particular condition, another factor is most important. Based upon studies, you may find bulging disc exercise movements that you can do to find relief from your trouble. Most of these exercise movements are the following:

Warm-up Exercise Routines - considering that the neck could be a vulnerable spot for a bulging disc problem, it is crucial to do warm-up exercises first prior to performing exercises to be sure that your condition is simply not irritated and therefore it does not result in any sort of health problems. About your warm-up exercises, you can start by walking on a trampoline. Make sure you do this with a controlled gait in order to avoid putting in stress on the neck. It is also possible to start using a medicine ball. Start by sitting firmly onto it and be able to bounce upwards and downwards slowly. This will certainly improve the amounts of oxygen in your body to get through to your neck and boost the circulation of blood in the neck area.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Diabetes? Read These 11 Tips!

Managing your diabetes can cause you a lot of discomfort and stress. You need to know cutting-edge treatment methods in order to reduce the severity of your symptoms and prevent the disease from progressing. The tips in the article will help you learn how to manage your diabetes and live a happy life.

1)      If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, it's important that you get tested for sleep apnea. Treating sleep apnea can improve your overall health and help you manage your diabetes more effectively.

2)      Pay close attention to symptoms of diabetes, such as feeling excessively hungry or thirsty, uncommon urination, blurred or foggy vision, and a general feeling of lethargy. If any of these occur, do a monitoring test, and administer insulin promptly if needed.

3)      Keep stress at bay. People that have diabetes often experience a rise in their blood glucose when under stress. Try some different ways to relax and calm yourself, yoga or meditation is a great tool. Breathing exercises can also help quite a bit for those suffering from diabetes.

4)      Sometimes when you're a diabetic, and you are tempted to snack, it is hard to resist the goodies that surround you. Replace unhealthy snacks with fruits or vegetables instead.

Brain Abscess a Deadly Infection

Brain Abscess is also known as a Cerebral Abscess and caused by collection of infected materials  originated from local or remote infection sources.Cerebrum is most commonly affected by brain abscess.An abscess may also occur in the cerebellum or brain stem. Empyema is another condition, an accumulation of pus around the brain.some times it lead to Blood clots in Brain.It occurs when bacteria or fungi enter the brain tissue,the pus contains immune cells, dead microbes, cellular debris, and tissue fluid.Brain abscess leads to swelling of brain and brain inflammation.The pus is made up of dead and live microorganisms, and destroyed tissue from white blood cells carried to the area to fight the infection. Intraventricular rupture of brain abscesses (IVRBA) remains a catastrophic and fatal complication of bacterial brain abscess.

Causes of a Brain Abscess

    1. Brain abscesses are generally caused by bacteria entering the cranial cavity.
    2. Local sources may include ear infections, a dental abscess, infection of the paranasal         sinuses or epidural abscess

It is True: Heartburn and Headaches Have Much in Common

 People who suffer from frequent headaches may find another common ailment creeping up on them: acidity. What do, heartburn and headaches have in common? When you look at the details of these two frustrating ailments common elements becomes evident.

Heartburn and headaches affect everyone at one time or another, but when headaches are a common problem, heartburn can be close behind due to some of the methods we use to treat headaches. This is especially true in people who suffer from a problem of acid reflux known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or peptic ulcers.

To understand how can cause headaches heartburn, we must first understand acid reflux. Acid reflux is a process in which gastric acid in the stomach up into the esophagus, causing irritation and pain (acidity). Acid reflux or GERD when it becomes chronic, is usually connected with food, pressure or gastric inflammation caused by the h pylori bacteria.

In addition, they may develop peptic ulcers (small holes in the lining of the stomach or duodenum) as washed acid in stomach on the mucosa of the stomach. Peptic ulcers are usually related to a bacterial infection of bacteria, H. pylori in the stomach.

Now that we know what commonly cause acidity, we can explore how heartburn and headaches may be related.

Heartburn and headache medications
Drugs, over-the-counter and recipes for headaches chronic including ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, and many migraine medications are "NSAIDs". NSAID means non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As its name suggests, these types of drugs are great to relieve headaches to reduce the amount of swelling around the blood vessels that lead to the fare of a headache.