Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hal treatment for hemorrhoids?


HAL- RAR is good treatment for 3rd degree Hemorrhoids ?


HAL stands for hemorrhoidal artery ligation. But it's really short for DG-HAL & RAR which stands for Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation and recto anal repair. It's designed for grades III and IV internal hemorrhoids. The basis for the use of this procedure lies in the idea that an inbalance exists between the inflow of arterial blood feeding the hemorrhoidal tissue and the venous outflow. This imbalance is thought to cause stress on the vascular structures in these tissues leading to damage long term and a contribution to the formation of hemorrhoids.DG-HAL is designed to restrict the blood flow to each of these tissue structures by tying or ligating the blood vessels servicing them just enough to prevent this imbalance. The RAR part of the procedure is designed to lift and secure the hemorrhoidal tissue back into their normal anatomical locations within the anal canal. The two are really separate procedures, but work in conjunction.Studies have shown the procedure is quite effective compared to other procedures with lower pain levels and shorter hospital stays. Having said that, surgery always comes with risks both of complications and potential errors during surgery. Each procedure carries different risks both long and short term, so do you research well.Conservative measures are always preferred, at least initially. Additionally, there are many home based treatments you might consider as well. Even with the surgery, however, if you don't identify and change those things that led to the hemorrhoids forming, they will likely return. That's a very important aspect of any treatment whether home based or surgical.Good Luck!


no treatment

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