Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How do you get hemorrhoids?


What are hemorrhoids exactly? How do you get them? If you have them, will they eventually go away without treatment?

Cherry Valley

A lot of people don’t even know they have hemorrhoids. The rectum is not an area you can readily see. Some times you don’t know you have hemorrhoids until you see blood in the toilet water after a bowel movement, when you start to have pain or discomfort in the rectum, or when you feel extra tissue around the rectum.So how do you develop hemorrhoids? For sure, constipation is not the only way you can get hemorrhoids. Here are some additional ways:Alcoholism or drinking to many alcoholic drinksBeing pregnant and not eating enough fiberDoing daily heavy lifting and holding your breath while you do itEating excessive processed foods, which are low in fiber and move slowly through your colon.General body weakness, which will affect the colon functionHaving a predisposition to constipation or inheriting a weakness in the colon and rectum area * Holding fecal matter too long in the rectum causing pressure to buildup in the rectum veins - postponing a bowel movementHaving a weak liver, which reduces the amount of bile released into the intestines. Bile helps to active peristaltic action.Having inflammation in the rectum that causes you to have constipationIrregular eating patternsLack of protein leading to weak tissues and slow healing of woundsNot eating foods that keeps you constipation free such as fiber, vegetables, essential fatty acids, protein, water.Not getting the right vitamins and minerals in your food.Being overweightPoor muscle tone in the anal area from lack of exercisePressure on rectum veins from cysts or tumor in the colonSitting in a chair at home, at work, in a car, or in a truck for long periodsUsing laxatives to the point where your colon no longer works properly and you end up with constipationAs you can see there are many reasons that you can develop hemorrhoids. And most of them relate to the function of your colon. If you want hemorrhoid relief look at the list and see which condition or situation relates to you and try to make changes in these conditions. In addition to changes add new foods that will help your colon to work better.

Neah Bay

thanks for this EXCELLENT answer! my husband has had hemmorhoids and could not figure out why.. he is in fact an alcoholic and although this may not be the only cause it helps to know it is a contributer! thanks for all your input!

South Barrington

Hey, one of the most common causes of heorrhoid is constipation. They can also be caused by deficiencis in the diet and by stainig too much.They almost always need treatment in order to disappear for good, hey might come and go a lot otherwise. Natural hemorrhoid treatments work best and also provide rapid pain relief...find out more about hemorrhoids at the site listed below.Hope this helps,Heather-Jane

Village of Lake Isabella

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels that can be in or around the anus that cause itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding. If you have a mild case you maybe able to go without treating them but in time they may get worse especially if your diet doesn't have enough fiber. Hemorrhoids can result from straining due to constipation or even some types of exercise like weight lifting.If you do have them, even if they're mild it is probably a good idea to take care of the problem now while they're easier to treat rather then to wait for them to get worse.Here is a website that can help you out. It offers a natural method and it seems to have helped a lot of people .www.cureforpiles.com

Haw River

Hemorrhoids treatmentHome About us Contact UsWatch Out For Hemorrhoids: Prevention is always better than cureIt has always been said that prevention is better than cure. And this is true for all cases especially hemorrhoids. If we think about it, hemorrhoids are not really life-threatening but they could be really painful and uncomfortable. Plus, the chances of it recurring are very likely even if you have already received treatment for a previous hemorrhoid case. Hemorrhoids are also hereditary. If there are members of your family that have had this condition, you better take action now to prevent yourself from suffering this disease.Read more about this here: .www.hemorrhoidstreatment.net/hemorrhoidsprevention.html


Hemorrhoids are very common; however they are preventable if you understand the possible causes. One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is constipation. It is suggested that you take precautions against constipation. A bout of constipation may aggravate the hemorrhoids and prevent them from improving. You may reduce constipation by eating fiber rich foods, drinking plenty of water and exercising on a regular basis. In eating fiber rich foods, you help create a softer stool that is easier to pass and will lessen the irritation of current hemorrhoids. For more info, visit my source.


Sitting down for long or in the toilet. Eat junk foods etc.

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