Monday, April 11, 2011

Excruciating pain when i go to the bathroom?


I have a very embarrasing problem. I am really way too young to be having this problem. I'm 23 and i am experiencing ALOT of pain when I go to the bathroom. I have had constipation problems for several months now and i kind of just ignored it and now it has gone to a much worse level. When I go to the bathroom, it REALLY REALLY hurts (feels like I have needles poking me and trying to come out) and my BM movements feel incomplete if you know what I mean (TMI sorry) Anyways this has been going on for three weeks (the pain) and recently I have seen blood on the toilet paper and in the toilet. I'm trying to change my diet but its so hard. I have started eating steamed vegetables and drinking a lot of water during the day. I think this may be hemmorhoids but I am really afraid because I have heard that treatment for hemorrhoids can be surgery sometimes and that can lead to some potentially embarassing situations. What can I do? any home care remedies? I did tried Milk of Magnesia a couple of times and it didnt seem to do much for me. Ive also been drinking hot water every day at work (Ive heard that helps with digestion) and so far it hasnt helped too much. There was a point when I used to eat cereal in the morning, that did help with my BM movements but it made it HURT ALOT to go to the bathroom. Also for those who have had this problem, what is the treatment like? Does it help? Do you have any advice?


The chewable fiber tablets at the link aren't too bad. One of these 2-3 times a day and a magnesium supplement you can get in the vitamin section of any grocery store or pharmacy - once in the AM and again in the PM can make a big difference. If you try something like this and it still doesn't work, that probably means there something more than diet causing this and it's time to see a doc.


Get the new Citrucel and take it every day. It is orange and tastes a bit like Tang if you rember that.. orange juice. It will increase the bulk of your stools and help you. If your stools are way hard then you need a stool softener. I suggest something natural like senna. You can get senna at CVS or any drugstore in the laxative section. If you get your bowels moving regularly so you aren't straining, the hemorrhoids stand a really good chance of healing on their own.

King Cove

Chlamydia, ghoneria could cause that. Could be a bladder infection. Our very possibly your kidneys. If its your kidneys, drinking alot of water would help alot. Your best bet is to get a blood test.

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