Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I think i have hemorrhoids ?


So this is nasty but serious. I am about 15 and i noticed a purple/blue bump at the bottom of my *** **** after I finish ****ing. I thought this is just nothing to worry about, but within the last few months It has expanded and I think a have external and internal hemorrhoids. I don't even know what they are exactly but I Wikipedia it and it was gross pics but it looks like a very close match. I am nervous...causes...symptoms...treatments...Will I always have this, it seems like since they got there it is harder to pass stools and there is a little bit of fresh blood after most every discarding. This is nasty and I think I should tell my doctor but I DO NOT want to discuss my *** **** with my parents nor doctor, it is sick and they would probably have to exam it and thats NASTY. I would rather have my doctor study my *** then my parents cause I hardy know my doctor...what should I do? please don't be a *** and put in smart-*** responses. Thanks


Causes1. straining with bowel movements (from constipation or hard stools)2. diarrhea3. constant sitting4. sitting on the toilet for a long time5. childbirth6. pressure of the fetus in pregnant women7. heavy lifting8. familial tendency9. obesitySymptoms1. rectal bleeding2. pain around the anus and rectum3. irritation and itching4. bulge or lump at the anusNatural treatments1. Include more fiber in your diet - fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, and whole-grain breads and cereals etc.2. Drink adequate amounts of fluids - 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.3. Exercise regularly4. Do not strain or sit on the toilet for long periods of time. 5. Use a soothing wipe.6. If your main job activity is seated, always stand or walk during your breaks. 7. Avoid heavy lifting.


Yeah skip the parents, go straight to the doctor. And thanks for the hickey help...gotta stop getting those, my boyfriend gets a bit frisky. But anyways good luck man

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