Lake Villa
I've had it for almost a year now and I'm starting to get really annoyed by it. I never really had a problem until now but it itches like hell every second of the day, I have bloody bowel movements, but it doesn't hurt much unless it's touched. I've tried witch hazel and vaseline, different hemorrhoid creams, and every home remedy on the internet. Nothing works. I really don't want to go to a doctor because I can't stand the idea of having someone analyze my butt. All of the symtoms seem like a hemorrhoid but it looks like a swollen vein (which I understand is what hemorrhoid is) it's doughnut shaped and stings when it's touched and the rest of the sphinctor is hard, swollen, and has a purple-ish tint. I just don't know if it's a hemorrhoid because most pictures of hemorrhoids are like round pollyps. I don't know :/ should I suck it up and see a doctor or is there a treatment I haven't tried?( I've tried the Sitz bath, an assortment of creams, the witch hazel thing, eating more fiber, fruits, and water, and countless other things that fail to have an effect )
It is probably a hemorrhoid. The biofavonoid Rutin is supposed to be a cure.
Hemorrhoids will not resolve on its own over time. It is embarrassing to have hemorrhoids. The best thing for you to do is clean your digestive system to help you remove the risk of having constipation. Eat foods that are rich in dietary fiber and drink plenty of water. Exercise also helps. You do something about it before it get worse. The best treatment for hemorrhoids is the natural way. Cheers
I think you should see a doctor because they see it all the time... really they do. There is nothing special or hilarious about your butt, trust me. Do you strain alot with bowel movements?I would ease up on the fiber, not take more of it. Your hemorrhoid could have a thrombus (blood clot) in it... and that isn't good.
Van Horn
It sounds like it is ,but go to a doctor just to be sure.
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