Monday, April 18, 2011

Which hemorrhoid product has worked best for you?

Johnston City

Which product or treatment have you found the most effective?


I try to keep these in mind:1. A Healthy High-Fiber DietSince hemorrhoids is associated with constipation and an uncomfortable bowel movement, it is only practical that we take care with what we eat and digest. Hemorrhoids come from the strain of excreting hard stools that we have to pressure out of our body. Fiber is known to help with our body's digestive process. With a high-fiber diet, we can help make digestion and excretion easier and less painful. High-fiber foods include vegetables and fruits, so be sure to include these in your meals. 2. Drink in Lots of WaterWater is also an essential part of making the illness easier to handle. Water also helps in regulating the digestive flow, and can also help in providing a smooth relief. Be sure to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water a day, and make this a habit. 3. Squatting and SittingNow this may not be the normal way we use the toilet, but the squatting stance has been mentioned to help with the treatment of hemorrhoids. This tip has not yet been criticized nor approved. Reports on the effect of using the squat position when on the toilet is highly suggestive that it can help, however. There is also the matter of the “sitting time limit.” Some doctors recommend that people with hemorrhoids avoid sitting for long periods of time. If it is possible to get your hands on an air doughnut, or any chair that does not cause discomfort when sitting, then do so. 4. Hydrotherapy or Sitz BathingSpeaking of sitting. a sitz bath is also recommended by some doctors, specifically a warm one. This process has to be done three times a day and after each bowel movement. Just sit in a tub with a few inches of warm water for 15 minutes. This will help to lessen the pain after your bowel movement. Just be sure to get dry thoroughly afterwards. 5. Medicine and/or Herbal TreatmentsOf course, taking medicine is also part of the hemorrhoid treatment. There are many creams, ointments, and drugs that are used to cure hemorrhoids. If you go for herbal treatment, then first find out which plant and herbs are effective against the illness. Aloe Vera is said to have a soothing effect. However, we have to remember, that the drugs and creams may have side effects. We also have to consider that they just provide temporary relief for the illness. Mine isn't all that serious, though, so I haven't gone onto 4 and 5, and I'm just maintaining a strict routine with 1,2,and 3. If you're looking for relief from the pain of hemorrhoids, then I suggest this product:

Red Hill

Hi sweet cheeks, The best best hemorroid product is one that treats the cause of the hemorrhoid.The problem most people face is they run out to the drug store and get an off the shelf product which to be fair to normally works but is really only a short term solution.The reason why these off the shelf products are only short term solutions is simple,they only treat the problem,itching bleeding etc.So a product that treats the cause of hemorrhoids and makes sure they never come back again has to be the best product right?Sweet Cheeks I wish you all the best with your problem.Peter

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