Friday, April 15, 2011

Bleeding hemorrhoidanal fissure?


Over the past weekend and early in the week, I suffered from food poisoning. As a result, I now have what seems to be pretty bad hemorrhoids/anal fissures. I haven't looked but it seems that the entire rim of my anus is swollen. Pain is not as much of an issue, as that I can deal with, but it is the bleeding. For the past 2-3 days, it has been bleeding consistently. Not a lot on a regular basis, just more as if it is completely raw, like a bad scrape. I've tried sitz baths, neosporin, ice packs, and resting on my stomach as treatment. The pain has dramatically declined, so I have a feeling it is working somewhat, but the bleeding has not. I have yet to try Tucks pads as I have seen recommended, are they really the best way to help stop the bleeding and are there other home remedies to stop it?

Long Point

annusol hemmorhoidal suppositories will turn the trick for you

Charlotte Hall

Get Rue Care Oil available on line - it stops bleeding and is great for treatment of hemorrhoids and fissure.

Sierra Vista Southeast

The itching and burning caused by haemorrhoids can make it difficult to sit still. How can you ease the discomfort and fight flare-ups? According to research or other evidence, the following self-care steps may be…Keith Woolley


Gosh, I'm really sorry, that can't be fun. the first thing I think you should do is see a doctor becasue maybe the bleeding is from the inside of your rectum. Good luck.

Ware Shoals

agree with rn - get the anusul that you stick up your bum.they contain a steroid which will shrink the tissue can massage them with a moist wipe and try to push them back in also.witch hazel is also good for shrinking them but it stings a little.its unusual to have roids after food poisoning unless you were straining a lot to poo, as they usually come after constipation, so if they persist then see a doc

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