Friday, April 15, 2011

External haemorrhoid plz help?

Bear Valley Springs

i have a small lump at the opening of the anus. it almost appeared suddenly and it is painless. it is a bit hard and feels like something protruding. it is very small, the size of a pea. i have no discomfort other than light itching at times. it has been there for a week now and nothing has changed. i figure it is external haemorrhoid.could u plz recommend any cream that could be applied to make it dissappear? is there any other treatment? how long does a external haemorrhoid usually lastguys plz help.thanks a ton


Get some Preparation H and apply it a few times a day. It should shrink up in another few days


Sounds like a wart. If its itchy, use Anusol.


Preparation H works well to help with any pain or itching. I had to get something from the doctor to get one I had to completely go away after a month or so. That's a whole lot of fun - going to the doctor so they can check that out! Be careful you don't get constipated, man, that really hurts!!Good luck!!

Park City

NUPERCAINAL. Works way better than tucks. It could be a wart or even an ingrown hair as well. Check WebMD for some good infoWikipedia too. Good luckPS. Tucks wouldn't shrink anyone's I've spoken withNupercainal worked quickly. One said 2 days another said 6 but he was constipated & trying to push too hard. Once he used Colace to soften his problem it went away. You can also get a cyst in that area so check that on webmd too.

St. Edward

I encourage people soak in Epsom salt sitz baths. It's a very old treatment but it shrinks the hemorrhoid and stops the itching. I have noticed a decrease in symptoms within a week of these baths. Soak in very warm epsom salt baths as often as possible


women commonly get these after bearing children.(mother of two). Try Using Preparation H. If they are small a lot of times it will go away on its own. If you experience any pain use a stool softener.


I believe that you may have a condition called Hidradenitis Supprativa. It is a condition of re-occurring boils/ cysts/abscesses , that are often misdiagnosed as ingrown hairs, herpes, being unclean and folliculitis. This is a newly diagnosed skin condition , but there is a lot of info out there.Here is a link…If this sounds like it might be you, READ it, PRINT it out, and TAKE it to your DOC.Its better to try to start treatment soon, it can spread over the body if left untreated. These boils can become quite large and painful. Sometimes even lasting for weeks or months , do not attempt to POP them they can then tunnel under your skin and spread all over the body. Most common areas are armpits, groin, binkni line, inner legs, and intimate places and basically anywhere that sweats and rub against clothing. Stress is a big inducer.There is some support groups at MSN (… and yahoo, and I am open for questions!I have had this for 8 years, I was misdiagnosed for a LONG time, It was very embarrassing, painful and scary. I am just trying to help out so you don’t have to wait as long as I did.


witch hazel pads (tucks)


Preparation H and tucks pads are what I tell my pregnant patients. Once you have hemorrhoids you have them for life. You can have them surgically removed. It's typically caused by straining too hard when having a bowel movement (or when pushing a baby out).

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