Monday, April 4, 2011

Do hemorrhoids go awaywithout surgery?


i have one.. and it dosent hurt its just kinda itchy but dosent bleed nor does it hurt when i go to the bathroom..but i can c it. its swollen so how long does it take to go away. and do i need surgery to get it removed im scared.. i dun wan go to long do they usualy last for ... and can it heal by it self with out any treatments? cus i dunt wan tell anyone:(


It depends on how serious it is. If its a small one, it will probably go away on its own. But it takes time.The store bought cremes will help with pain and swelling. I've actually seen one "removed" when I worked in the medical field. Basically, the doctor lays the patient on their side, takes a scapel and just makes a slit in the swollen tissue. The blood just ran out... So, i know you are concerned, but just take it easy and use the cremes available out there. If that doesnt help, then consult a doctor.


buy some hemorrhoid creme at Walgreens.


Yes they do go away without surgery. I have found the suppositories work best. It's been a long time ago so I don't remember how long before they went away. Maybe a week or a little longer.

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