Friday, April 1, 2011

Possible hemorrhoids and treatments tmi?


I developed hemorrhoids during and after pregnancy and have tried various creams over the past 14 months. I also had a fissure a while ago which the doctor examined and said wasnt too bad and would clear on its own. I have been getting quite a lot of bleeding and sometimes pain but not all the time. I recently went back to the doctor and was examined. She could not find anything wrong and so came to the conclusion it must be internal hemorrhoids. I used suppositories for a week and the bleeding stopped. Its now a week later and the bleeding has started again. The only pain I get is when I have a bowel movement and it feels "scratchy". I have left a message for the doctor who said she will refer me for investigation.Anyone else been in this situation? What investigations will need to be done? What treatments can be used if I have already tried creams and suppositories?Sorry for the gross question!


get some diprobase cream it will stop the burning & itchiness.............

Park Ridge

There are lots of natural treatments online. Just google these. On the other hand, every case unique... Here you will find a free information for hemorrhoid... I don't mean you buy something. You can sign here for a free newsletter and ask

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