Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What arehemorrhoids?

Mount Ivy

Side affects,causes, treatments etc?


ICAUSES: increased straining during bowel movements, by constipation or diarrhea, may lead to hemorrhoids. [6] It is thus a common condition due to constipation caused by water retention in women experiencing premenstrual syndrome or menstruation.Hypertension, particularly portal hypertension, can also cause hemorrhoids because of the connections between the portal vein and the vena cava which occur in the rectal wall -- known as portocaval anastomoses.[7]Obesity can be a factor by increasing rectal vein pressure. Sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause hemorrhoids. Poor muscle tone or poor posture can result in too much pressure on the rectal veins.Pregnancy causes hypertension and increases strain during bowel movements, so hemorrhoids are often associated with pregnancy.Excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine can cause hemorrhoids.[8] Both can cause diarrhea. Note that caffeine ingestion increases blood pressure transiently, but is not thought to cause chronic hypertension. Alcohol can also cause alcoholic liver disease leading to portal hypertensionTREATMENTS:Treatments for hemorrhoids vary in their cost, risk, and effectiveness. Different cultures and individuals approach treatment differently. Some of the treatments used are listed here in increasing order of intrusiveness and cost.For many people, hemorrhoids are mild and temporary conditions that heal spontaneously or by the same measures recommended for prevention. There is no medicine that will cure hemorrhoids, but local treatments such as warm sitz baths, using a bidet, extendable showerhead, cold compress, or topical analgesic (such as Nupercainal), can provide temporary relief. Especially in the case of external hemorrhoids with a visible lump of small size, the condition can be improved with warm bath causing the vessels around rectal region to be relaxed. Consistent use of medicated creams during the early stages of a hemorrhoid flare-up will also provide relief and may stave off further development and irritation. However, creams containing steroid preparations weaken the skin and may contribute to further flare-ups. Keep the area clean and dry, with some lubrication provided by hemorrhoidal creams or a lubricant. Ointment or suppositories such as Proctosedyl [14][15] and Faktu [16] can also relieve the symptoms.


Hemroids are blood vessels that proplapse (come out) and can hang in the anal canal or in cases protrude out of it. They can cause some bleeding and considerable discomfort. They are usually caused by straining and hard bowel movements, and in the case of pregnant mothers a lot of pressure on the pelvic inlet. Treatments range from things like sitz baths and topical creams to medical proceedure like ligation (tying off or stapling) of the offending blood vessel.


Hemorrhoids are veins that have inflamed in you butt. I have had them and their are two different kinds external and internal. External are a ball or bump on the outside of the anal whole, these hems itch and hurt really bad. Internal, itch, kinda hurt and bleed, so in your stool you will have blood, sometime a lot. What causes them could be a number of stuff, running , lifting weights, sitting on a very cold surfacee i have heard, even straining to use the restroom. Mainly straining yourself will pop these veins. Number of treatments are Preperation H over the counter, and Doctors have a stronger anal pill that help quicker. Start on a fiber supplement right away so you do not strain to you the restroom. Hope this helps..


Hemorrhoids are a real pain in the ***! HAHA! No seriously, They are either blood vessels or lumps of tissue that swell in the anal cavity and they can cause pain and bleeding. They are easily removed.

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