Friday, April 8, 2011

What is best treatment for hemorrhoids prep h does not work?


you gotta see a doctor dude there`s prescription medication out there that makes applying prep H like scrubbing your **** with with steel wool in comparison.

Sandusky South

a high fiber diet. Increase fresh fruit/veggie comsumption while cutting back on the red meat. Also, increase your water intake.

Union Springs

Surgical removal. It is very successful.


As a chronic sufferer, I can suggest what works on me. Avoid spices and especially pepper and hot sauces. Even though fiber is good for diet and for constipation, try to limit it during times of inflammation. When inflamed, fiber causes extra discomfort and pain when hemorrhoids are extended inside the sphincter. A healthy diet with plenty liquids and daily activities to alleviate constipation is advised. But topical hygiene of washing and application of an ointment for skin care like Sensicare or A+D Ointment is a must.


Once you have them, Prepar. H can only be useful to placate the pain. The only definitive solution is the surgery intervent! The diet is useful to prevent the formation of other hemorrhoids!

Kodiak Station

The first thing you need to do is find out the cause, if you don't change it, nothing will ever change.Constant sitting, straining with bowel movements, sitting on the toilet for a long time, and even severe coughing, or heavy lifting can cause them. Remember the following, if your main job activity is seated, always stand or walk during your breaks. Make it a point to stand and walk at least 5 minutes every hour and try to shift frequently in your chair to avoid direct rectal pressure.Always exhale as you strain or lift. Don't hold your breath.Control coughing, diarrhea and constipation with early treatment since hemorrhoids may soon follow. Make a rule: No reading or other relaxing activity while on the toilet. If bowel movements take longer than 3-5 minutes, something is wrong. If you want to keep hemorrhoids away, maintaining good bowel habits and softer stools should be your highest priority. Sitz baths for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times/day is a useful treatment.Aleve will help with the pain, senkot or citrical can help soften stools, and any brand of cream with 1% hydro-cortisone. Hope this helps.

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