Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is a good treatment for hemorrhoids ?


Can this problem turn into colon cancer ?


Work with your doctor to determine the cause so that you may treat the cause. In the mean time try hydrotherapy (sitz bath) ie. .www.target.com/gp/search/601-0927…Alternating sitz bath:alternate between102-110F for 3 minutes and 55-75F for 15-30 seconds. Do this 3 times and end with cold.

Mountain Lakes

As far as I know it can't turn into colon cancer because hemorrhoids are caused by a completely different reason then colon cancer is. Preperation H can be bought from the store and you use that for hemorrhoids and try and eat a little healthier.

Saddle Rock

Try using witch hazel on the exterior skin. Hemorrhoids are often caused by straining while constipated. Try eating green vegetables and whole grains, plus drinking at least 8 glasses of water.


hot bathsdo not read while doing your business. The weight of your upper body on your lower while you're sitting helps push out veins.


it puts the lotion on the skin!

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