Saturday, April 9, 2011

Whats the best hemorrhoid treatment?


for hemorrhoids sufferers?


You can spend all the money you want on cremes and pads but the cheapest and best way to get rid of them is buy a bottle of witch hazel and apply to a cloth(wash cloth, paper towel ,whatever) and I know this sounds bad but fold and place in between cheeks up against the area and relax..keep in on for alittle this at least 3xs a day. Remember also DON'T STRAIN when going to the bathroom and if you have problems take a laxative. If they don't go away after awhile utilized venapro for Hemorrhoids Treatment . It is very effective so if you like to test it, you can try this site


Hot Compresses, Hot Sitz Baths, and Neosporin. You can also use over the counter hemmeroid cream, but sometimes they don't work as well. Also can try witch hazel.

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