Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Can i treat my dog with human hemorrhoid creams such as prep h?

Holly Ridge

Hi, I took my dog (black lab) to the vet with a very itchy bottom, she was constantly licking it and dragging it along the floor. I noticed a small pea sized swelling which was exactly like hemorrhoids. I made an appointment with the vet but on the day I took her the swelling had gone down. He told me her problem was her anal glands( which when he emptied were not even full) and when I said I thought she had hemorrhoids he poo pooed me and insisted dogs dont get hemorrhoids. (He also did a rectal exam with his finger and said she was fine). I took her home, the poor things itching had not improved and a few days later the pea sized hemorrhoid had returned. After looking this up I now know dogs DO get hemorrhoids and I am very annoyed with my vet. I am interested to know has anyone else had a similar experience with their vet and can I use a human treatment such as preparation H on her? Thank you.


I have never heard of a dog getting hemorrroids so I would not recomend using anything! I would wonder if perhaps she is straining too hard to have a bowel movement. What ever the reason she needs to see a vet to determine what exactly is going on with her. Using any human meds will do more harm than good for this situation! have her seen!


No you can't !!!!!!!! There are other options for dogs, just ask your local vet !!!!

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