Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why do you get a hemorrhoid or how?


I just went to the doctors because I was bleeding when I went to bathroom. I have one. The treatment sounds fun. NOT!I don't even know why I got one.

Monmouth Junction

Get to know the hemorrhoid symptoms and learn how to overcome them.Do you experience the following symptoms? If so, you’re probably experiencing hemroids. You’ll always want to consult with a doctor, but there is hemorrhoid relief available, and you can take the necessary steps to get rid of them today.Painful, swollen veins in the rectal and anal area that include pain, itching, and irritation.In more severe cases, you may experience bleeding from the area. This can happen as a result of internal hemorrhoids.You might feel swelling or a hard lump close to the anus area. If so, this is most likely a case of external hemorrhoids.Do you have blood clots that have forming in the hemorrhoidal tissue? If so, you may be experiencing thrombosed external hemroids, which may require surgery.Why do people get hemorrhoids?Studies show that hemroids are attributed to several leading causes, including the increased pressure on the rectal and anal veins that occurs over time. That’s why individuals in their 50s and beyond might experience more hemroids than someone in their 20s.Hemorrhoids can be caused by digestive problems like diarrhea and constipation. Commonly, people also have a poor diet consisting of a very low intake of fiber. Even obesity can have a substantial effect on hemroids and their development. Sometimes, if individuals lift heavy objects, or play rough sports, they may develop them. Pregnancy, hypertension, and other health-related issues may all be attributing factors in developing hemroids as well.

East Compton

There are many factors associated with hemorrhoids. The truth, however, is that researchers still don't understand exactly what triggers them. Constipation is always listed as a factor, but research has shown, for instance, that those who suffer from constipation are at no greater statistical risk to develop hemorrhoids than those who don't suffer from it.Some of the factors might surprise you, such as not eating breakfast. Others seem to be common sense, such as lifting very heavy weights, poor diets, and poor bathroom habits. Many factors also exist beyond your control. The best thing you can do is to educate yourself about the condition, what factors are associated with their development, and what treatment options are out there when you decide to get rid of it.Hemorrhoids tend to be chronic in nature. Once they form, they tend to stay around, sometimes getting better, sometimes worse. If you ignore them, they will generally worsen with time. It's better to address it now rather than when it's much worse and more chronic. There are lots of options, many of them simple and home based. If the condition turns really bad, there are surgical options as well. Even with surgery, however, they can return.Good luck!


I was told to much heavy lifting can cause this.

1 comment:

Chloe Stephanie said...

nice post you have there..

very informative..

thank you very much..


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