Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Treatment for hemorrhoids?

West Laurel

I have Hemerrhoids ( am almost completey certain ). I do not want to go to the Doctor as I am only Ninteen. Have him examine my rectum is not something I want to do. I would like to know the best prescription medicines I can order....Also if I simple (wrap a Towel around Ice) and leave on the area for 15 - 20 minutes. Will this solve it after repeat applicatons of ice?


After every bowel movement take a warm shower or wash with a hot towel use baby wipes after and along with toilet paper,avoid spicy foods,all so heavy lifting,add witch hazel to baby wipes as it shrinks blood vessels,after a hot soak in the bath tub run cool or cold water on the area keep witch hazel in the refridgerator for an added extra treat when placed on a towel to clean the area Preperation H is good so is Anusol, gold bond powder in underwear is all most a must even shower to showers baby powder or corn starch products.First few visits to the Dr. for this they usually insert finger and try to push um back in and make um worse after they get bad enuff surgery will be the only out and it is one of the most painfull I have been through your whole day is planned around one dump, good luck and take care of them things you don't want um to get worst.Stay especially away from black pepper as it comes out just as it went in it doesn't digest. I used to use it for a temparary fix for radiator leaks on a hot rod.Red pepper is not as bad.Don't sit on iron or concrete.Rember clean clean clean.When going to the bathroom let gravity take its course never strain.Good luck as I know from first hand experience what a pain in the butt they are.Pun intended.


Over the counter hemorrhoid medicine should work fine. I am sure it is no picnic for your doctor either


Is it bright red blood? Go to you local pharmacy like Walgreen's and get preparation H wipes. I dont think ice will help.


You can get ointment or suppositories (preperation H and similar) that may help the problem. Otherwise you need to see a doctor. Its a fairly simple procedure for some of them , but it can be a precursor to colon cancer.


hemorrhoids are sometimes visible and can be felt, take a mirror and look to be sure. Annal fissures, fistulas, and abscesses also have similar symptoms to hemorrhoids.If your sure it is hemorrhoids then buy an OTC cream they have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-killing) affect. Ice will help just make sure its wrapped and you don't leave it on to long. Also, if the reason you have them is caused from repeated straining when going to the bathroom you may want to look into dietary changes or a stool softener to help avoid the recurrence. If they were caused by diarrhea then they may clear up in a few days - week. Good luck and take care. If things get worse see your doctor even if it's embarrassing it's your health and that is more important.


Over the counter hemorrhoid medicine, something like Preparation H. it can also stop the itching.Also when you use the toilet you should Not Push, which only increases the problem.Drink plenty of water and drink prune juice to clean out your system, when you do decide to drink prune juice make sure you stay at home because you will be going to the restroom quite often while your system is being cleaned out.From this/that day forward you should drink prune juice often to keep regular and eat food with plenty of fiber.You can also try taking Flaxseed Oil gel caps, which would help with bowel movements.When you do feel like to need to push try taking deep breaths slowly and exhale slowly so that your muscles will relax and your muscles will push all by it self.I hope this help, feel free to message back...Had that problem before in my younger years… :) -


If it's external then over-the-counter cream should work. If it doesn't stop or is internal then see the doc...sorry.

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