Sunday, March 27, 2011

Haemorrhoid treatment?


After having a pain in my rectal area i noticed a haemorrhoid but it had almost busted under the skin and had caused a dark bruise as welll as having the lump.Will the darkness (blood) just eventually disappear like a bruise does and should the haemorrhoid itself disappear now that it has busted?

Laurel Park

If that is an hemorrhoid (which I doubt) , no. Hemorrhoids don't disappear by themselves, on the contrary, they tend to grow with time (years). I don't think you have hemorrhoids, but be aware that no one can diagnose by internet, so only your doctor can tell you for sure.If hemorrhoids are a very initial state I recommend natural (herbal) treatment as a first option. Read this treatment doesn't work in a short term, my best advice is to see your gp/family doctor which, in case of hemorrhoids, will turn you to a proctologist.

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