Saturday, March 26, 2011

Home treatment for hemorrhoids?


okay i know i have them but i cant go to the doctor as im only 15. theres no way in hell im telling my mum or dad and i cant go to a pharmacy by myself as its too there anything i can do at home to make them go?or if i leave them will they go by themselves?


Just tell your mom even though it's embarassing. She can go get you Prep H from the drugstore. If you REALLY can't bring yourself to do that, if you have witch hazel at home put some on a cotton ball and press it onto the hemorrhoid.


Here's what you need to do:Eat foods that are easier to pass, like vegetables. Exercise daily.Avoid Bananas, cheese, and white flour for the next few weeks especially.Avoid eating too much meat/beef.Drink plenty of water each day.


Hemorrhoids don't just go away. Regular washing of the area, sitz bath, and diet rich in vegetables and fruits can definitely help. If you can order on line Rue Care Oil, I suggest you do it. However, don't be ashamed to talk about it with your mum. She might had them when she was pregnant with you. Regardless, she the one that can help you first.

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