Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is there another way to remove external hemorrhoids other than the painful surgery?

Federal Way

With advanced technology you would think there would be better ways to remove them ie laser surgery or banding like they do the internal ones. Has anyone heard of any new advances in the treatment of these literal "pains in the butt"?

Mill Village

Alas, there are different techniques for getting rid of the pesky external hemorrhoids. You can freeze em, burn em, or cut em. Unfortunately, all techniques hurt. The reasons treatment for internal ones don't hurt as much has to do with the way they are connected to nerves, not so much the technique.

Cedar Vale

They will shrink quick if u put beeswax on them.And for the pain use the pure aloe plant


if you see the right doctor, it isn't always painful. you can go home that same day. request lots of local anesthetic, and take a few valiums before you get to the hospital. be sure to have all your paperwork all filled out and completed, so then the person who takes you doesn't have to worry, and you can enjoy your cocktail! I've had it done, and it's really not that bad. External is easier and less painful to remove than internal.

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