Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How to talk to doctor and family about hemorrhoids?

Stansbury Park

So I think I may have a hemorrhoid. It's not a bump, but it's very tender and is on my anus. I heard that hemorrhoids can be under your skin too...? The thing is, I'm not very good at talking about [embarrassing] health matters with people, especially my doctor. I want to tell my family too, what do I say??? Also, I want to avoid spending money on treatments if I can help it. If I can avoid it, I would like to get a diagnosis here and learn about some home remedies [if it is a hemorrhoid.] Thanks!


The hems will heal up if the cause is erradicated. They pop out of the inside of the body when straining and pushing impacted matter against the sphincter muscle of the anus.If your BM's are dry and impacted at the rectum use glycerin suppositories to help lubricate the blockage out. Then your bowels can pass that point freely. To prevent impaction again obey the call of nature, give yourself time in the morning instead of rushing out the door without your BM. And eat fruit every day, roughage such as bran and raw vegetables. Drink more fluids because when we lose fluid and do not drink enough to replace it, the body becomes dehydrated and pulls moisture from tissues and the colon to operate systems.

White Sulphur Springs

Yes you can have internal hemorrhoids. If you don't want to spend money, the first thing you need to do is add laxatives and lots of liquids to your diet like prune juice to make your stools soft soft soft. You do not want to strain at all.If you are overweight, try to loose some weightIf you are pregnant, they should ease up after you have the baby.The cheapest and best treatments out there are Anusol or Preparation H.Both are creams. Just use them as directed. They do work.


Have you tried preparation H or another hemorrhoid cream? I'd do that first, and if it didn't relieve it, the doctor would be my next visit. Just tell your family straight up, we've all had weird, uncomfortable health issues. It's nothing to be embarrassed about.


No diagnosis here. Sounds like your first one, your the reason people don't talk about them, too shy or embarrassed. Common problem, too private to talk about. First, get some hemorriodal cream or ointment. I prefer the ointment. Take a long leisurely bath, dry self off and apply ointment to anus. Reapply after every bowel movement until it shrinks up and is gone. Start eating more fiber or it'll come back.External and internal treatment the same xcept with internal you may need to lubricate bump and shove back in if possible and use tube accompanying ointment to apply inside.May need to take some tylenol for pain. If it continues to grow may need to have it incised.I'd bet your mother or father has already had them.

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