Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Anal sex and hemorrhoids?


Me and my fiance had anal years ago and now I've gotten out of the denial that I have a small hemorrhoid. Here's my problem. I want to continue having anal sex with my fiance as it's the MOST pleasure able thing between us both. What ointments,creams, pills, treatments, etc. would you suggest using to avoid the pain after anal until I can get to a proper doctor (Which may not be for a while ><)


Use a product called Anal Ease. It has benzocaine in it and will help with any discomfort. Apply it before sex.After sex, Preperation H has a cream w/ a pain med in it. It may also be Benzocaine or Benzine.If you have hemorroid problems you should address them asap. If you rupture one, you will wish you had. You can also end up w/ a hemorroidal thrombosis, which is basically a permanently swollen roid. It can only be cured by lancing (cutting it open and draining it) which sounds gross, but it really isn't painful.


Use either Astroglide or KY jelly. This will keep the anus lubed to let his penis slide easier as he penetrates you and will reduce pain. Also some women use prepH as a anal lube. It will keep down the inflammation of the hemorrhoids, it would work as sort of a preventative measure.


preparation H they also have wipes as well. but the only way to stop the pain is to not have anal sex. Try a good lube like ky it's good


Preparation H


Tell him the hemroid is a bonus. It will tickle his pecker.

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